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Hello everyone! It's been such a long time! I haven't touched this book in 3 years I believe. I'm very thankful for all the love and attention this book received, but sadly I've finally decided to discontinue it. I'm not quite fond with how the story started heading and it's very messy since I wrote it when I was quite young and it being my first fanfic too! I am writing a new fanfic that I've recently just started. It's a bakugoxreader fanfic and I'm hoping it will be a lot better than this book. Thank you so much for all the love! And if you have the time please give a look at my other fanfic, I've barely just started it, but I hope all of you guys like it! Thank you!
Xoxo- fulkiii <3

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now