[Chapter 21]

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"Who has sight of them?!" Todoroki shouted through his communicator as he ran on the rooftop of a building, searching around frantically.

"One has disappeared, but one is turning into the street on your right!" Yaoyorozu' voice coming through the communicator.

Todoroki looked to the right and spot the suspect they were chasing after.

"I'm going in, yaoyorozu cover me and the rest of you get here as soon as possible!" Todoroki commanded.

He then created an ice path down to the ground, jumping off he caught a glimpse of the individual rounding up the corner and made his way rapidly towards them.

He lounged chunks of ice towards them, catching their attention. The villain acted quick, reaching into their pocket and lounging a blade towards todoroki, cutting his cheek as he tried to dodge them.

They took this opportunity to run away from him. Todoroki wipes the blood that seeped from the cut before running after the villains. They ended up rounding a corner.

The villain looked up at the tall brick wall before wiping their heads back to see todoroki standing behind them. They back up slowly as they reached inside their pocket and pulled out a gun pointing it a todoroki, which todoroki was quick to act and freeze the bullet that was fired at him.

Todoroki then tried to kick the gun from the villains hand, but upon kicking the imposters hand, the gun fell but quickly disappeared and turned into a small object. He quickly froze it and kicked it behind him as the villain tried to swoop it back into his hands.

"Who are you? Why are you terrorizing civilians?" Todorki questioned the villain as the stares at him.

Todorki couldn't see their face since it was covered with a mask. They wore some type of gear that fit tightly to their body. They were a male of course. They had some sort of pouch they went around their waist. They also had a glow in their attire, which in this villain it was blue.

Todoroki was then being swarmed by water, he stared at it with bewilderment. He then looked back up and the villain raised up his hand and the water was then surrounding todoroki's whole body. Todoroki tried to evaporate the water with his fire but with the ongoing great amount of water being added to the water around him, he couldn't do it. He felt himself suffocating before he caught the glimpse of the male being tackled down, causing the water to fall down.

Todoroki coughed as he heard a shot being fired. Looking up quickly he saw a female. She was dressed in gray and black attire, but it was more baggy than the villain's. She had gloves on and a sort of pouch wrapped around her waist and hanging from her hip. She also wore combat boots and her face was covered as well, only that her's was with a mask covered from her nose and down and she had some sort of googles on.

The female was holding a gun and it was aimed towards the villain, who was laying limp on the ground and blood seeping out from where the bullet has entered his body.

The female then turned to todoroki and scanned him quickly if he was injured or not. Before todoroki could ask who she was and why she just killed the villain, she ran off. Todoroki stood there going over the events that had just occurred.

"Shoto! Is everything alright!?" Todoroki heard midoriya say as he stands behind him, staring at him sitting on the pavement.

"I'm.. fine." Todoroki murmurs as the rest of the gang arrive to the alley.


"No." bakugo growls.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now