Todo? [chapter 12]

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A/n: I know. It's amazing that I'm actually updating pretty early Haha, I just took my math final and I think I passed that bitch! Now I just need to build a bridge out of popsical stick because. . . I honestly don't know why we have to build a bridge. ANYWAYS, THANK YOU FOR 20.3K READS!!! AGAHAH!!! and enjoy this chapter! Love you my lovelies! 💕

[(Y/n)'s POV]

"What's your favorite memory with me?" I question todoroki, glancing at him.

He's in thought for a moment before looking up at the tall trees.

"Every memory is my favorite, but my most favorite is when you told me you love me." He replies.

I smile softly before looking at the ground.I stare at the snow as se walk, a second of silence filling the air.

"I don't remember that..." I say softly as I frown a bit.

"I can't seem to make up anything about you. Anything about our memories." I continue as I frown.

I can feel todoroki's gaze on me as I stare down at the ground.

"When I laid my eyes on you, you were the most purest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Magnificent if I must add"

"Even if you can't remember anything, I'll be here to help you regain them back. You will get them back. I know you will." He says softly as I stare up at him. My cheeks are warm due to him calling me the most purest thing he's ever seen.

I lean against his shoulder lightly as I take a hold of his hand, intertwining our fingers.

"You're really warm" I say sweetly as I smile at him brightly. He blushes as me stares into my eyes. He lightly smiles at me before giving my hand a squeeze.

"When did we meet?" I question.

"We met at a very young age, you gave me flowers from the neighbors yard and called me pretty" todoroki snickers as he smiles faintly.

I swiftly turn to look at todoroki, my eyes wide and cheeks flushing.

"I- I did?!" I screech.

So it wasn't a dream..

Todoroki nods as he enjoys my current state. He then grabs my chin and lifts it up, my eyes making contact with his.

"It was adorable though" he states.

There's silence again. The birds chirping above us echoes through the forest. Krypto's foot steps on the snow can be heard. We continue to walk peacefully through the forest as we follow krypto, that is until he spots a squirrel.

《Small time skip》

I'm laying on the ground, above krypto, hugging him tightly.

"You can run away from me like that! It makes me sad..." I murmur the last part, causing krypto to whine and lick my face.

"I'm scared to lose you" I whisper as I rub his ears, earing cute noises from krypto.

Turning to look at todoroki, I see that he's staring off to the horizon. I slowly get up, along with krypto, and make my way slowly towards him.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask softly as I reach my hand out to him.

"Let's ice skate"

《Play music》

"What?" I say softly, watching todoroki walking off into a direction.

As krypto and I make our way to where todoroki is at, I see him standing at the edge of a frozen lake. I stare at him cautiously and as well at the lake.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now