It was you? 《chapter 6》

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(Don't play music until said so)

~•3rd person pov•~

《12:30 pm》

There was more people than usual in the cafe. The customers chatted as they waited for their drinks or pastries. The sound of dishes clanking and the blender blending could be heard where the baristas were preparing orders for their customers. (Y/n) was blending coffee beans. She could feel the vibration that blender emitted onto her palm as she holded the lid into place. She stared at the coffee beans as they were being crushed and turning into a dark liquid.

(Y/n) pushed a button on the blender that caused it to stop blending. She pour the dark liquid into a cup and added milk, she made a heart shape with the milk. Being pleased with the figure she created in the coffee, she made her way to the customer of the drink. She looked around the cafe and spotted the customer sitting in the corner table of the cafe. (Y/n) made her way towards the customer, with the coffee in hand.

"Wow, what a beauty"

(Y/n) jolted a bit as she looked to the side. A yellow haired male that seemed to have a black lightning bolt on the side of his hair was sitting in a table by himself. He leaned his cheek onto his hand as his golden yellow eyes stared into her (e/c) eyes.

"Excuse me?" (Y/n) question politely.

"I think you're a beauty, what's your name?" The male asked. She hesitated a bit, debating if she should tell him her name or not. She opened her mouth about to say something, but was then interrupted.

"Kiminari, leave her alone." (Y/n) looked behind her. Kirishima stood behind her with a drink in his hand.

"You know him?" She asked curiously.

"Yea, he's my friend. Pardon him for his behavior (y/n), he's like that" said kirishima as he walked to her side and looked down at her. (Y/n) looked up at kirishima and smiled.

"It's alright, I'm not bothered" She said. She then walked towards her destination. Kirishima then glared at kiminari.

"What?" Questioned kiminari as he looked at kirishima.

《Time skip to 5:45 pm》

(Y/n) finished changing out of her work clothes and was making her way back to the lounge. She was going to pick up her (f/c) bag and head home. Just as she turned the corner she saw todoroki, his back was facing her and he was near her bag writing something on a sticky note pad. (Y/n) hid behind the wall and peaked at what todoroki was up to. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw him stick the sticky note on her bag and place a pastrie near it. She hid behind the wall and leaned her back against it. Thoughts began to roam around her mind.

'It's been todoroki this whole time?!'

Her brows furrowed a bit. A light shade of pink dusted over her cheeks as she stared down at the floor.

"(L/n)?" (Y/n) jolted a bit and her eyes widened. She looked to her side. Todoroki stood there staring at her.

"Oh, um, hi todoroki-kun" she said as she stared back at him. She smiled nervously as they kept staring at eachother. Todoroki observed her for while.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit off?" He asked her. (Y/n) blinked a few times.

"Oh, yea I'm alright, just a tiring day... hehe" she answered. Todoroki hummed in response and made his way to a blender and began to blend coffee beans. (Y/n) stared at him for a while before making her way to her (f/c) bag. There sat a fudge brownie with white chocolate drizzle. Her eyes then shifted to the sticky note. She pealed it off her bag and read the message.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now