Hey, I missed you [chapter 16]

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(Y/n) sat inside a shopping kart as Bakugo pushed the kart as. He stared at her lightly, not trying to discomfort her in any matter.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

The question came so suddenly, catching bakugo off guard. He stared at her with a slightly flabbergasted expression. He looked to the side before speaking.


Bakugo cut himself off for a moment before continuing his sentence.

"I don't know.."

The girl stayed silent as she stared at bakugo's features.

"When did we meet?" She questioned, trying to remember him.

He turned his attention towards her and smiled lightly before stopping the kart and holding out his hand to her.

"Take my hand"

(Y/n) was taken back and seemed sort of unsure to hold his hand so suddenly but eventually came to do it.

"Why do we have to be here, it's stupid." A small child spat as he laid on the floor.

"Oh hush, katsuki! Stop talking nonsense! I'm here to help out a friend of mine, you might even make a friend today!" His mom chirped.

Bakugo stared at her with bored eyes before turning his attention towards the skating rink displayed in front of him. Various of children were skating as music boomed around them. Bakugo stared at them with boredom aswell before a certain girl caught his attention.

She seemed to be gliding through the ice more gracefully. She spun around a few times before doing certain moves he hasn't seen the other children do. His eyes were filled with admiration as he stared at her.

He absorbed her features. She had some sort of (f/c) dress along with black leggings. Her flowing (h/l) (h/c) hair. He couldnt see what color her eyes were, but with that bright smile plastered on her face, he knew that she was a very bubbly and quirky girl.

"Hey mom."


"Who's that?" He questioned as he kept his eyes on the young child.

"Oh, that's (l/n) (y/n),would you like to meet her?"


(Y/n) snatched her hand away from bakugo, Who which was taken back from her sudden action.

"You said no?!" She exclaimed.


"You didnt want to meet me?!" (Y/n) huffed, not knowing why she was so worked up about the past situation.

"I was a brat filled with ego, of course I said no, but my mother still introduced us. She was your mom's friend and promised her she would design you dresses for your conpetitions" bakugo explained.

"About that..." (y/n) started as she stared to the side, which bakugo listened intently, waiting for what she was about to say.

"I used to be an ice skater?..." she questioned as she stared back at bakugo. He responded by nodding his head.

"Was I decent at it?" She questioned, her lips quirked up slightly as she peered up at the ash blonde.

Bakugo stared at her for a moment before leaning against the handle of the kart.

"Decent?" His questioning made her smile die off and she had made up an answer already.

Bakugo stared at her with boredom lingering in his ruby orbs. He then flicked her forehead, catching her attention.

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