Letters [chapter 17]

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Dear mom,
I heard you where relocated to a different hospital. I'm angry and disappointed that they didn't contact me about it and had to find out so suddenly after you where sent off. I miss you. Things have been different. I haven't been completely honest with you and neither have you. A few months ago, I met this guy, turns out he's my boyfriend since I was a teen, crazy right? I soon begin to regain memories through my second quirk and regain all of them with the help of Katsuki. Also, I'm in love with todoroki shoto, son of endeavor. He's the guy I met a few months ago. Why didn't you tell me about him when I woke up from my coma? What happened? I never wanted to question you when I found out because of your state, but I think it will be better now since it's through letter. I'll write to you when I can. I love you. No matter what, remember I will always love you. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (Y/n)


Dear mom,
It has been a 2 weeks since bakugo and kirishima have left back to the city,since the time they asked off has come to an end. Katsuki promised he's call me whenever he had time, yet I still miss him very much, along with kirishima of course. Shoto took me ice skating the other day. Also, why didn't you tell me I was one of America's greatest ice skaters? Why did my career end? I'm trying to remember, but even after gaining all my memories, some events are still fuzzy. I remember being with (b/n) after my ice skating practice before I can't remember no more. Katsuki said to write to him, he says you have important stuff to tell him. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (y/n)


Dear mom,
It's been a week and a half since Midoriya has left. It feels more quiet now and lonely at the cafe. (B/f/n) is hanging out with me more to since I've confessed to her that I feel sort of lonely. Krypto is doing fine if you're wondering. I can tell he misses the boys as well, but he's still energetic as always. He misses you too mom. Todoroki keeps me and krypto company and is very loving as always. The three of us took a stroll to the forest near my house and had a picnic at the meadow. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (y/n)


Dear mom,
Todoroki is leaving in 3 days back to the city. It's an urgent call and they need him back as soon as possible. It breaks my heart that I can't have him with me forever, but I knew the consequences of being in a relationship with a hero. Katsuki called me the other day to see how I was doing and I ended up crying to him how sad I'm feeling of todoroki leaving. I'm going to miss him so much, but I can't restrain him from his job that he worked for so hard. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (y/n)


Dear mom,
It's been a week since todoroki has left. I feel really lonely than ever. I miss bakugo. I miss todoroki's kisses and hugs, especially him. I miss midoriya's kindness and random facts about heroes. I miss Kirishima's jokes and stupidness. I miss all of them very dearly. I still have (b/f/n) with me,but now that where short with employees at the cafe, she works full time now. I left work. I'm not feeling to be working right now. I feel sick and tired. Don't worry, I have enough cash saved up to keep me and krypto sustained for at least a year or two. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (y/n)


Dear mom,
You haven't responded to my last letter. Is something wrong? I hope you're okay. (B/f/n) took me to the plant nursery and we got a bunch of plants for my house. I never got to tell you, but todoroki gave me a cactus, I still have it and it's very beautiful. I'm still feeling sick and krypto has been very attached to me lately. He's also been acting very protective. I've been feeling a bit better from my nausea of missing todoroki. We talked on the phone the other night and I never knew how much I'd miss his voice. He's an angel fallen from heaven mom, he's really sweet. I hope one day you can meet him. kirishima texted me the other day and made me laugh, it's been a while since I've laughed. Also, Midoriya texted me, I was really happy because I know it's hard for him since he is the #1 hero. He asked me how I was doing. I miss you and I love you.

(L/n) (y/n)


I'm pregnant.


Bakugo stared at the last letter with wide eyes. He had been mailed all the letters (y/n) has sent to her mother from the hospital (y/n) mom's is in. He felt his body tremble a bit and he felt a lump on his throat. He quickly hid the letters in his drawer before beginning to pack clothes and other essentials into his large suit case. He called his corporation stating that he was going to be leaving for a long time and kirishima will be in charge of it, since they both made the corp. and kirishima was the second in command. He also called kirishima about him leaving, but didn't state the situation. He didn't want to be telling (y/n)'s tiny secret.

[The next day]

Bakugo went to the store to pick up a present for (y/n) before his plane departed. His heart ached, not because she hasn't told him of her pregnancy, but by the fact of what he was going to tell her was going to break her heart.

While on board in the plane, the thought of her, her being pregnant, and her heart breaking wouldn't stop pestering him.

It was going to be a long and hard pregnancy. Especially since todoroki's was sent off to a mission the other day. It wasn't any ordinary mission. He and midoriya., along with other former classmates were assigned to this mission. It was a year mission, longest taking two years.

Bakugo promised himself he'd be there for (y/n). He won't leave her alone. He will protect her and help her with the needs for mother hood. He's her best friend and he won't let her deal with this great responsibility alone, especially since todoroki might not be there to do so.

A/n: hello my lovelies! It's been a while huh? I wanted to spice things up and make this chapter different from others. I'm also close to finishing this fanfic and I know this chapter was shorter than the others and I'm terribly sorry about that, but I think you guys will like it still :) . I will try to at least publish a chapter in 2-3 weeks. Also I did start a BNHA one shot book, so if it's not to much, please go and give it a look and give it some love please! Remember guys, I love you all and Till next time. Kisses 💕

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