Chapter 22

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"Kirishima!! It's here!!!" (Y/n) shouted as she held the small envelope from her hands.

Bakugo had been called to work, there was some commotion accuring which they wanted him to solve.

Kirishima's loud foot steps could be heard as he came running to the kitchen, where (y/n) stood at.

"It'S HeRe!?" He gasped as he made his way towards her.

"My babies genders!" (Y/n) chirped as she smiled brightly at kirishima.

It has been roughly around a month and a half since they discovered (y/n) was having triplets. It was hard news to take at first since (y/n) was going to be a first time mom to triplets, but never the less bakugo and kirishima assured (y/n) that they'd be there to support her with her babies. Now, she couldn't wait to have her three precious babies in her arms. During that time, (y/n) got to meet the rest of the gang again, which overjoyed her. She even got to meet former friends from when she was a teen.

She was barely getting this information from the hospital because every single time they went for a check up, the nurse couldn't identify her babies genders because they were all curled up against each other.

They both sat down at the table and stared at the small envelope. (Y/n) tore the envelope open and opened up the folded piece of paper, she then quickly folded the paper back.

"Wait- aren't you going to open it!?" Kirishima stammered, impatiently excited to see what the babies genders were going to be.

"We should wait for bakugo-"

"-he can wait! I can't!"

"Don't be like that! We should invite Mina and the others as well, we shouldn't leave all the excitement to ourselves." (Y/n) states as she places the piece of paper back into the envelope, to Kirishima's dismay. She then stood up carefully and made her way towards the kitchen counter.

"Ughhhh! Who knows when bakugo will come back!" Kirishima protests.

"Kiri don't be-" (y/n) suddenly gasps as she holds onto the counter. Kirishima is up on his feet and quickly goes to (y/n)'s side.

"What's wrong!? Do you need to sit down!?" He asks, concern in his voice as he gently holds (y/n) by her arms.

She seems to be short in breath and in pain, suddenly she looks at kirishima in the eye with fear.

"My water just broke." She wavers.

Kirishima stares at her wide eye, his eyebrows knitting together.

"B-but you're barely 6 months!" He shouts.

"Kirishima you idiot! I'm having triplets! That's supposed to happen! Now take time to the god damn hospital!!" (Y/n) growls at him.

"Alright, alright! Just- calm down! Everything will be okay!" He states. He then picks up (y/n) and goes to his car, placing her inside. He made sure to buckle her seat belt and quickly went around the car and got inside quickly. He then drove them to the hospital.

While driving, kirishima took out a communicator, an emergency communication used between him and bakugo, clicking on the call button, he pressed the small device to his ear.

"C'mon. pick up, pick up, pick up-"

Call accepted.


"This better be fucking damn important shitty hair or else I'm going to kill-"

"Okay, that's nice and all, but (y/n) is going into labor right now!"

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now