Truth [chapter 20]

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(Y/n) was already 5 months pregnant, her baby bump clearly big and visible. She decided to go on a walk with krypto to the market. Ever since she set foot here, the two males wouldn't let her breathe for two mere seconds. They were always watching out for her and being protective. Escaping from them by leaving at 5 in the morning couldn't hurt right?

Making it to the market, it was actually pretty empty. The walk was peaceful being able to hear the birds chirping and the few cars passing by her as she walked .

(Y/n) picked up a basket and made her way about inside the market. After a while of roaming around, she ordered krypto to find her a certain item, to which he complained and left her to obtain the item.

(Y/n) went to an aisle where a man stood looking for something at the top shelve.

"Pardon me" (y/n) spoke as she went beside them and used her quirk to bring down an item and place it into her basket that was floating as well.

The man turned to her slightly bewildered. In that moment krypto came into the aisle but instead of going to (y/n), he runs up to the stranger. Jumping on them as he wags his tail, (y/n) grew bewildered as she has never seen krypto react like this to people they have not yet met.

(Y/n) took a good look at the man standing in front of her trying to calm down krypto. He was actually quite young, probably around his 25s hitting his 30s. He was quite tall, white hair, and grey eyes. (Y/n) blinked before speaking.


"Todoroki Natsuo. It's nice to see you again (l/n)."


"Thank you for accepting my offer to grab a beverage" natsuo stayed as him and (y/n) sat at a tenable near the window. Krypto later underneath the table, deciding to take a nap while the two young adults talked.

(Y/n) smiled warmly at him as she held onto her hot chocolate. She then looked down at the hot chocolate, staring at it, it reminded her of shoto.

"Tell me"

(Y/n)'s faze was snapped from the hot chocolate and to natsuo.

"What happened?" He asked as his eyebrows furrowed.

(Y/n) blinked before her eyes gazed down to her hands. She places her hot chocolate on the table before looking out to the window.

" I don't know..." She whispered.

"All I know Is that I was in an accident, (b/n) died... I can't quite remember everything. I lost my memories and my mother moved us away to a deserted small town. I'm trying to remember that night."

"That night?" Natsuo questions as he stares at her.

"Yea I remember coming from a tournament with (b/n), we were on our way home and everything from that on is a blur" (y/n) murmurs.

Natsuo stares at her sympathetically and places his hand on hers softly.

* * *

Natsuo ran once he made it out of his house undiscovered. Once he rounded the corner, he spotted a boy who was much taller thank him. Smiling as he picked up his pace, the other boy taking notice of him and opening his arms out for him.

Jumping into to him and holding him tightly as the boy twirled him around, laughing as they held onto each other.

Natsuo leaned back a bit before he was kissed lovingly by the other boy. They kissed for a while before the boy placed him back on his feet. He took a hold of his hand and both began to run down the street.

A Love Is Brewing 《shoto todoroki x reader》(discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now