unexpected 《chapter 4》

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《5:00 pm》

~•(Y/n)'s pov•~

'What? What is this?!'

I stared down at a caramel frapuccion that was on the counter next to my (f/c) bag. Kirishima stood by my side with a smug look on his face. "I hate to tell you this, but I told you so" I took the sticky note off the frappucino and read it.

'You have beautiful eyes'

I let out a soft gasp and I could feel my face heat up, as I stared at the words on the sticky note. "What does it say?" Kirishima tries to get a glimpse of the words written on the sticky note. "That's none of your business!" I spat as I shoved the note into my (f/c) bag. Kirishima gave out a pout and crossed his arms. "No fair" I giggled at his little pout "you can be a little immature sometimes kirishima, but if it makes you feel better, they complimented my eyes" I took the frappucino in my hands and took a sip. "Mmmm" I savored the sweetness of the caramel. "Well, I'm going to head off now. Bye kirishima" I waved goodbye to kirishima. "Goodbye (l/n)" kirishima responded.

"Come here krypto!" I called out. Krypto came out of under a table and barked as he ran towards me. He stood on his hind legs and leaned on me as he licked my face. "Haha, krypto stop, that tickles!" I giggled. I settled krypto down and I kneeled down in front of him as petted his snow white fur.

~•Todoroki's pov•~

I saw (l/n) kneeled down infront of her dog krypto. I took in a deep breath and made my way towards her.

'She probably will say no if you asked her out'

Bakugou's words tauntered me as I walked closer to (l/n), but I'm not going to back down. I'm going to prove bakugou wrong. I stood right in front of her and looked down at her.

"(L/n)" I said. Her attention turned towards me. "Oh, todoroki. Do you need something?" She said. I looked to the ground. I was lost in words. "I-i" (l/n) looked at me simpatically and stood up. "Its okay if you forgot. You can tell me when you remember" she smiled at me. She turned around and began to walk towards the door.


I reached for her wrist and grabbed it. Her head turned to the side to look at me. "Todoroki?" She questioned. "Hey, um, would you like to go get something to eat?" I asked. Her (e/c) eyes sparkled a bit as we stared at each other. Her lips curled into a smile. "Yea, I'd like to" she responded. I could feel my lips curl up a bit. "My shift ends in 50 minutes. Would you mind waiting?" I asked. "Oh, yea, sure. I was planning to got to that small shop at the corner. You can meet me there when your shift is over" (l/n) said as she pointed to the tiny shop at the corner of the street. "I'll meet you there okay?" I asked as I looked down at her. "Okay" she responded.

She pulled the door and holded it open for krypto to go out. She turned around and looked at me. "I'll see you later" she whispered. I nodded in response and watched her cross the street as she made her way to the shop with krypto by her side.

《Play music》

《5:45 pm》

~•3rd person pov•~

You were looking around the shop with the caramel frapuccion in your hands, observing the products that were hunged or placed on a shelf. You hummed a song as you walked into an isle, slurping the last bit of your drink. You walked around the shop and spotted a trash can in a corner. You made your way to it and threw away the empty cup into the trash can. Krypto kept smelling the products that his nose could reach. A small kitten plush caught your attention. You made your way towards it and grabbed it. It was white with light gray spots, it had a blue collar with a small bell in the front. It's right eye was blue and it left was brown.

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