4: To The Bedroom!

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"And you're rubbing it in my face, huh, Gumwad!? Gosh, I really do hate you." He hissed more as you began making a whining noise.

"No one is rubbing anything in your face. You're scaring her, dummy. You're not even welcome here, so why don't you just leave?"

"I'll wait outside for YN. Do you hear that, YN? I'll be right outside for you. And we can go back to my place and talk, okay?"

"Go home, Marshall Lee." You growled at him as you buried your nose into Gumball's neck. Suddenly, you wanted to eat him, but you resisted. He had gotten really offended the last time.

"Who's Marshall Lee? I'm pretty sure the foxy I love calls me something else. I won't leave unless I know she's asking me, specifically." He smirked, ready to hear the pleasing sound of your nickname for him.

"Go home, Marshall Lee. Stop bother me." You growled.

Marshall Lee's face fell. He didn't mean to bother you. Although, he definitely did.

"You heard her, Marshall. Can't you just go and not make a fuss?" Gumball scowled at him, even though he really did feel bad for the vampire. He had no idea what he had done to deserve this kind of treatment from you, but he realized long ago that you were not going to talk about it.

"Fine. Fine... I'll be outside." He grumbled as he opened his parasol and floated away.

You relaxed as you heard the door close.

"Too easy." You stated as you physically relaxed. "He won't give up. Not easily."

"It's kind of cute the way you forget how to speak well when you get upset." He stood up and began walking to his bedroom, forgetting the entire reason that you were even there today-- to escort his actual guests.

"Don't make fun of me. I'm rusted."

"It's rusty, foxy. You're just rusty."

"Yeah, whatever. Are we not going to the kitchen?" You looked up, but didn't release your grip. You had oiled yourself up for a reason.

"Why else would you use so much oil on your fur if you didn't have plans that involve my gum?" He whispered to you.

"What about Fiona and Cake?" You asked. "Not nice to ignore them if you asked them over."

"They'll be fine in the kitchen. I made them mini tortes."

"Make me cake too." You demanded as you kissed his sweet neck.

"Mmm. I think I'll make you do something else." He opened the door to his beautiful room.

You laughed hoarsely.

"You are good at it, you know." You sniffed the air, "Ugh, still smells like him."

As he shut the door behind him, Gumball walked over and threw you on the bed.

"Forget about him. You can go out the secret tunnel. I'd rather you jut smell me." He winked at you as he stripped off his clothes.

"Mmm." You inhaled deeply as his body loomed over yours. "Bubble gum smell."

"You know it. Now don't chew on me like last time, or I'll be mad." His bright pink lips drifted closer to yours and his violet-pink eyes closed.

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now