17: To Cakes & Hugs!

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Fionna hugged you when you walked into her house the next day.

"I can't believe he did that!" She empathized with you. "I'm so flubbing angry with him! I gave him a good pounding though!"

You wrapped your arms around her and nuzzled into her hat. Your tail wrapped around her body and tickled her cheek on the other side, making her blush and step back a bit, rubbing the back of her head.

"Thank you for caring human." You smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Very sweet of you. Sorry he is not better."

She wiped off the spot of the intimacy, but otherwise laughed and waved you over to the couch.

"You don't need to apologize to me for him! He's a grown vampire; he should know better." Cake agreed. "Mmmm-hmmm."

"Yes, but I never made him be good. I let him be naughty." You spoke very slowly, trying to get all the words to form and come out like a normal citizen of AAA. "I bop his nose and say 'bad'! But I never do anything until I leave."

"Eh, still not your fault, girl." Cake served you some chocolate cake as you sat down.

"Thank you." You nodded. "So, is Gumball coming over again?"

"He was pretty mad that I left him for that long, so he didn't say anything. But he'll probably be back. No one ever leaves me alone for very long."

"That because you are very cute, human." You smiled at her as you chomped on your dessert. "Would be cuter with tail though!"

You laughed and covered your mouth so you wouldn't spew cake everywhere.

"I bet I would be! But I don't want to be cute. I want to be fierce! I'm an adventurer, and people don't take you seriously if you're too cute." She nodded her head.

"I take you seriously human. You can be cute and strong, just like me!" You winked at her.

"That's because you're a women. Only women really know what women go through. Right, Cake?!" She looked at her best friend.

"That's right, girl! Girls supporting girls, all day, everyday!" She cheered.

"And I didn't know you were strong, YN. I just thought you were fast." Fionna ate her own hunk of cake.

"No, teeth are very very sharp and muscles are very strong. Even if body is squishy because of so much cake!" You laughed as you gnashed your teeth.

"We're all strong in our own ways, I guess." Fionna concluded. "Anyway... so why were you watching us at the party?"

You froze briefly, not wanting to give away that Gumball and you were stalking the pair.

"Uh... I was at party and saw the vampire come. So I hid. But then I worried with you when you left so I followed."

"Oh, alright." She looked at you with a serious look. "Why did you look so upset when you came out?"

"I think Marshall Lee been stabbed. Three hundred years is too long to say 'oh too bad'."

"You just seemed like you had been upset earlier too..." She pushed.

"Enough, human. I do not like the vampire king. Please, let us talk of other things."

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now