24: To The Big Secret!

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"Leave." Marshall Lee commanded as he woke up.

"W-What? I thought..." Prince Gumball sat up suddenly from his restless sleep.

"What? You thought that we could go back to before you fucked YN?" He yanked the blankets off of the pink man and rolled on his side. "No. Never. Ultimate betrayal. But that doesn't mean we can't hook up sometimes. But you're making it weird by staying."

"I'm making it weird?" Gumball stood up and grabbed his clothes, angrily getting dressed. "Well then don't just show up in my room anymore, crying and trying to seduce me! In fact, how about I remind you of the fact that I banished you from my kingdom? Don't come back again."

"You're being a petty bitch about it, Bubba."

"Yeah. Yeah, I am. And while I'm at it, you can address me as Prince Gumball or 'Your Highness'. And! And!" He began getting irrationally angry and flinging his hands around. "You know what! I don't know what the glob you did to YN, but you're not getting her back. You're such an idiot for thinking that they way you acted would do anything but push her away. I didn't break up with you for her. I broke up with you because if you weren't teasing me, then her name was always falling out of your mouth. 'If only YN... YN wouldn't have...' and all that shiz. I'm not her. I even just starting seeing her to see what the big deal was! You're the one who even pushed us together with a common disdain for you!"

Marshall Lee refused to look at the yelling man, instead just pulling the blankets closer to his body.

"I wanted to marry her, you know. It wasn't a fling like us or you and her."

"What and she didn't want to, so you went psycho on her?" Gumball was furious, but the information he was gathering was critical.

"She would have. But she wouldn't follow through with everything we needed to do before we got there..." His eyes burned again at the painful memory. "I tried. I tried to get her there."

Sudden realization flashed in Gumball's eyes.

"You... you tried to turn her into a vampire?" He backed up slowly, realizing just what a monster Marshall Lee was admitting to being.

"Leave. Just get out." His body began morphing into his demon-bat form.

"I-I-I-I" He stuttered as he jiggled the doorknob.

"GET OUT!" Marshall roared. "OR I'LL DRAIN YOUR BODY"

And Prince Gumball did get out. He got out and he called his bird to take him home. He understood now. He understood exactly why you were scared of Marshall Lee, and just why you didn't want to talk about it.

She knew. She knew if she told anyone that fact, that no one would ever talk to Marshall Lee again. He'd be just a monster. And of course, OF COURSE, YN couldn't help but keep protecting him. She'd rather live in isolation than ruin Marshall's relationships. Glob, she's too good for him. I'll have to apologize for the way I treated her. It was insensitive.

He shook his hair as the the night wind flew through it.

Poor YN.

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now