25: To Gumball Again!

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Another week passed after that trip to the Fire Kingdom. After that day, you had returned home for a rest. It was a lot to take in after the few days of having integrated back into society. Staying quiet, eating your favorite raspberries, using the oil from Gumball to get knots and burrs out of your fur and classic exploring really lightened your mood. Even more luckily for you, only Fionna and Cake knew that you lived in this woods, so you were safe from any unwanted visitors.

Of course, however, this quickly got boring. You missed your friends and your adventures with them. So you decided to visit an old one.

You walked freely through the streets of the Candy Kingdom, without fear that a certain stalker would be on your trail. He had said that he wouldn't bother you anymore and you technically did believe his word.

So you enjoyed the sunlight and the sights as you made your way to the Candy Castle.

Not a long walk, it only took a few minutes before you were opening the door to the Candy Kingdom. The sight in front of you however, was a surprising one. Gumball sat with a sneer on his face and bits of broken candy around him.

"B-Bubble?" You asked nervously. "Are you feeling good?"

"No." He held out one arm for you, indicating his feelings were not hateful towards you. Quickly, you ran over into his lap, twirling around in his lap and taking a seat. Ruefully, he stroked your tail as it laid across his lap.

You chuffled lightly and licked his hand nicely.

"Want to have sex?" You asked.

"I'm just so globbing angry at Marshall."

"Oh did you have sex with him again and not get what you want?" You asked.

"What the glob is with you and sex?" He tried not to get too much gum in your fur, but his gum was getting covered in fur, much to his disdain. "Anyway, yes. But also no. What's upsetting to me is that he told me what he did to you. And honestly, I'm disgusted by him and I feel like poop for treating you like I did."

Your ears perked up and you opened your eyes from the sleepy state you were falling into.

"He... told you?" You sat up and looked him in the eye. "No. Marshall would not tell."

"He tried to turn you into a vampire; true or false?"

You growled lightly, but it quickly evolved into a whimper.


"And you wouldn't tell anyone because you didn't want us to know what a monster he was."

You quickly got up and looked at Gumball with some disdain.

"He is no monster. Take it back." You scowled severely. "He just... I was scared."

"Well duh. Who wouldn't be scared of a psycho who tries to alter a person permanently?"

"Stop being mean to him." You crossed your arms.

"Why are you STILL protecting him?!" Gumball screamed at you, causing you to flatten your ears.

"I love Mawshee!" You protested. "He did one scary thing."

"Scary enough that you avoided him for more than three HUNDRED years, YN." He sighed and rolled his eyes at you. "Are you that stupid?"

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now