22: To Meeting Marshall Lee!

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It was a very stormy night that night, when you met Marshall Lee. Your fur was absolutely soaking wet, your body was cold and you didn't have a good place to hide. So when you stumbled upon a cave, which also housed a make-shift house, you decided that it wouldn't be a terrible idea to crawl underneath the porch, since the house was warm. You contented yourself by finding a dry dirt patch that was easily patted down by your paws. Soon enough, you were completely passed out. But it wouldn't last long.

Before you knew it, something-- or someone-- was poking your cheek.

"Hey. Hey you. Your little fox snore might be cute, but I'm trying to play some rad tune-age up here and it's distracting, yo." A strange looking humanoid creature was laying on the dirt in front of you.

You let out a sudden alarm bark, causing the being to knock it's head on the porch in surprise.

"Flobbin' ugh! Ouch! What's your damage?" It asked you.

But you didn't know how to respond. You only had knowledge of how to say a few words in that language. Understanding-wise, you were fine. You listened to creatures use this language all day. But you yourself never had to use it.

"W-Who you!?" You let out a raspy question.

"Yowch! You don't know who I am, little fox? Why don't you come out from under my porch and we can get to know one another. You don't even sound like you talk very well." He scooched out from the crevice and stood in the dark of the cave.

Hesitantly, you followed him out. First, you peeked your nose out, sniffing your surroundings. Then, your ears came out, listening for signs of danger. Finally, you extracted yourself and shook off the dirt and cobwebs.

"Hey, hey, hey! Watch where you're flinging that junk!" He scolded you. "My name is Marshall Lee and I'm the vampire king! You gotta treat me with respect, yo."

You thought about it for a minute and decided that you were interested in this... vampire king. Not only was he human enough to spark your interest, attraction-wise, but the way he eyed you gave you more confidence.

"...Maw-shee, vampee key." You nodded, savoring the sounds in your mouth. "YN. Fox-girl."

"Eh, close enough. YN, huh? Well what's a cute little red fox doing in my cave?" He floated next to you suddenly, causing you to wrap your tail around your own body in defense as you clicked your teeth at him. "Seems like you're just asking to be eaten."

"No eat me! Bad Mawshee." You barked at him.

"Ooo, girl, keep saying my name and I might just fall under your spell." He fanned himself. "But I was serious, man. I'm trying to play some tunes on this stupid guitar before I have to go do family shiz. Come in and listen to me. You gotta be honest about whether I'm good or not. Promise me that and I'll promise not to eat you. Deal?"

You looked him up and down, absorbing the wicked grin on his face. You liked it. So you had said yes.

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now