20: To Marshall's House With Gumball!

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As you, Fionna and Cake began the long walk to the Flame Kingdom, Marshall was back in his house moping and practicing his guitar.

Each new riff, he tried to think of lyrics that might persuade you to come back. He was sure that this would work. People wouldn't banish him from their little imaginary kingdoms for singing, would they?

But as that thought popped into his head so did the memory of the other night. Suddenly one of his strings snapped, snapping Marshall Lee out of his stupor and painting a blush on his face. Frustrated with the happenings of the day, he gently laid his guitar against the wall and decided to take a nap. What else did he have to do? He was sure that there was no one who wanted to see him.

It felt like only seconds before he was awoken by the sound of knocking. As he sat up and looked around, he noticed it was substantially darker than before-- he must have fallen asleep for a few hours. That wasn't as surprising however, as a visitor.

It must be YN! I knew she heard my song! He zoomed to the front of his house to peek out the curtain. If it was you, he wanted to make sure he looked as appealing a possible.

But it wasn't you. It was Gumball.

Why is he here? Is it because of... the kiss? Or did he come to give me a formal banishment and punish me for breaking into his room? Marshall Lee flattened himself against the wall, not sure why he was blushing so hard. Maybe if I ignore him, I won't have to deal with it tonight.

But as he heard Gumball's retreating footsteps, he couldn't help but rush out the door and practically appear next to the prince.

"Ahh!" He gave a surprised yelp and fell as he stumbled away from the vampire. "I thought you might be out terrorizing civilians..."

"Well now it's funny that you fell, you wad." Marshall Lee laughed.

"Don't laugh at me! It's your flibbing fault that I'm covered in mud now! Take me inside your house." He pouted. "After I came all the way out here..."

"Fine, come in Bubba." Showing a hint of civility, Marshall Lee motioned for the Prince to join him inside. "You know where the bathroom is."

Awkwardly, the two men walked inside and Gumball walked towards the bathroom. Marshall however, wasn't quite sure what to do, so he followed him.

"Uh, you don't have to come." Gumball blushed.

"Oh... sorry..." Marshall rubbed the back of his head and froze in the middle of the hall, while Gumball entered the bathroom and turned the sink on.

"M-Marshall...?" He spoke after another minute of silence.

"Yeah?" Marshall leaned against the wall now, not wanting to leave, but also not wanting to go into the bathroom after having been pointed out.

"I... I wanted to say... About the other night... I just got scared. We haven't... We haven't even talked normally in years, but suddenly we were... you know... Anyway, I meant what I said. I love you, but it was just too sudden."

"I didn't think about it..." Marshall mumbled. "Sorry..."

"It's just confusing for me. You're my love rival with Fionna and YN, and yet you're acting like we're lovers."

Then, Marshall Lee gave Gumball a smoldering look.

"Can't we be? Even just for the night?"

"I... Why else would I have come?" Gumball looked down, embarrassed. "Take me to your bed."

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now