21: To The Flame Kingdom!

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"We're almost there!" Fionna cheered.

"Oh, thank glob, I thought my paws were gonna drop right off! And I didn't even get a nap!" Cake complained loudly

"Don't mind her, YN, she just gets grumpy when she's low on sleep." Fionna reassured you. "I'm too excited to be tired!"

"Why?" You asked her, curious about her business here.

"Oh! I, uh, well I..."

"She's interested in a certain Prince that resides here." Cake whispered to you.

"Ohhh, okay." You nodded. "What prince?"

"Probably me." A masculine voice spoke up from in front of you and suddenly, everything was warm. "Hey girl, do you want a flame spell?"

"Oh! Flame Prince!" Fionna laughed awkwardly, "I, uh, I didn't see you there! Yeah! I mean, unless you're not as hot anymore... I mean! Temperature-wise! Not hot temperature wise."

You narrowed your eyes at the man in front of you. Incredibly familiar, it bothered you that you couldn't remember where you knew him from. Then, his pride of Fire Lions showed up.

"Oh! You are little flame boy! Gumball's boy." You snapped your claws together in realization.

"I'm not his little boy." Flame Prince grumbled as he had the three women in front of him given a flame shield spell. "I'm grown up and I'm the Prince of my kingdom."

"You so cute when you were little flame ball! Very, very handsome now." You walked right up to him and wrapped your tail around him, showcasing your body.

Fionna's face was angry. Much angrier than she thought it would be.

"Well, uh, I mean, thank you, but, uh, I'm kinda, uh... seeing someone... Or... trying to?" He looked up at Fionna hopefully.

"Oh my glob..." Fionna blushed deeply and turned to Cake. "Cake! What do I do!? Did he just do what I think he did?!"

"Say yes, honey!" Cake cheered.

You smiled and quickly backed off.

"Say yes, Fionna!" You added in.

"I thought you were poachin' on him!" Cake looked at you.

"No! No poaching. Just interest." You shrugged. "Say yes, Fionna. Prince is waiting!"

"I am waiting, Fionna..." He heated up even further.

"Yes! Oh, yes!" Fionna ran over to the Prince and they held hands. You giggled and walked over to Cake.

"If I know that today was for this, I would not come with." You whispered. "No men for me, these days. Everyone too young or too... already done."

"How old are you, honey?"

"Very, very old. But not old like Marshall Lee. A little less old. Not quite century." You told her. "How old are you?"


You bark-laughed.

"Such a baby."

"A baby! Oh no you did not just call me a baby!"

"Baby to me. Fionna even more a baby. Flame Prince too. But it is more fun this way! Old people have way of getting too... sentimental." You began to explain to her as the group made its way into the Flame castle.

"So you've know Marshall Lee your whole life?"

"No. First two hundred years, I only live as fox. Then, one hundred years I start to see things like me, but not me. So I spend time there. Then, I meet Marshall Lee. My words were no good. No one talked much."

"Your words still ain't good."

"Shh. Want to hear the story or no?"

"Fine, fine, go ahead and tell me while those two lovebirds love it up."

Red Light (Marshall Lee x Reader x Prince Gumball)Where stories live. Discover now