#67 | pjm

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One cold night as you were laying peacefully on the couch, you heard your door knob open and you jumped in surprise, only to reveal your boyfriend soaking wet from the rain outside.

You stood up and grabbed some towels without saying a word. You two were in a bad blood until now because of the fight you had last night, but you aren't that immature to let him die in cold.

"Thanks jagi," He mumbled as you went to the bathroom and turned on the sink as warm water flowed into the tub.

You still didn't talk as you went back to the couch, both of you passing by each other in opposite ways.

You couldn't deny that you were waiting for him, it was already past 12 when he arrived, he's supposed to be here before 11 but you considered the rain which might make him travel slower.

His workplace Bighit was pretty far away and he often goes home very very late.

The parking lot was pretty far from the apartment itself so it may be the reason why Jimin got wet.

After 20 minutes, the bathroom door clicked.

"Jagiya~" He called out and as you looked at him, his dashing abs showed off. A towel was wrapped around his waist as his hair was still pretty wet. You were drooling but you kept your saliva in. You looked back on the tv to stop falling for him again since you weren't okay with him yet, but actually, deep inside you just wanted to hug him to warm him up from the rain.

A little later, you hear him walk over to you.

"Yah~" he said and his voice was louder, you looked to where the voice came from and he was already standing beside the couch you were lying on. He was already wearing some sweatpants and a hoodie.

You saw his face looking down on you but you looked away and tried to be emotionless.

As fast as lightning, he pecked your lips. You were startled since it was so sudden, you glared at him and pouted.

"Oh you want one more?" he smirked before leaning in but you quickly stood up and walked away, but you failed.

He grabbed your wrist and forced you to look at him. You didn't look at his eyes until he did something you surely didn't expect. He crashed his lips onto yours, as you just stared at him. It lasted for a pretty long while until you fought back, kissing his plum lips back.

He pulled away but put his arms around your waist, pulling you closer.

"I'm sorry, okay?" he said while looking deep into your eyes.

You rolled your eyes but you couldn't hold back a small smile as you looked away. You saw Jimin look out the window in the corner of your eyes. He suddenly pulled you out of the apartment as you kept asking him what he was doing or where he was going.

"Yah! Where are you taking me? It's past midnight pabo!" you protested but he kept on dragging you.

"That's right, so...." he dragged you further until you arrived at the parking lot. He searched for his car and found it as he took his keys and opened it.

"Look inside."

"Jimin is this a prank? Is there a clown inside—"

"What are you saying~ just open the door and look inside." He kept a safe distance away so you could open the car door. He pointed at the backdoor as you slowly opened the door.

You squealed as you saw a huge human sized bear inside with a box of black roses. You quickly went inside and hugged the teddy bear as you held the flowers in your hands. You took the teddy bear with your other hand and went out with the roses in your other hand. Jimin took the roses so you wouldn't struggle holding a huge bear.

"Happy Anniversary, my love. Saranghaeyo~" he sang the last part.

"Nado saranghae Jiminie! Happy anniversary!", you excitedly said and hugged him after placing the teddy bear beside you.

He kissed your forehead as you happily skipped back to your shared apartment.

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