#99 | jhs

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"Jiwoo, do you even know how pretty you look when you dance?", you heard him while chugging on your bottle of water.

"I know", you smirked and stood back up, walking towards the speaker where your phone was connected.

You played Youth as you let the music take over you.

This was one of your favorite dances, since Hoseok was the one who taught you.

You never forget the exact steps even thought it's been a year since you learned it.


You motioned for Hoseok to stand, as he did.

You danced together, and the choreography was so perfect for the two of you. Your bodies moved together swiftly and gracefully.

You accidentally slipped because of your own leg, making you fall but not flat, your hands luckily stopped your face from kissing the floor. Although your knees hit the floor pretty hard.

"Jagi, are you okay?", he kneeled down and checked your knees.

Your knees were swollen and you knew you'd have a bruise later.

He carried you as you whined every now and then.

He placed you down on the beanbag chair across the room. He took the first aid kit that was kept inside the only cabinet inside the dance studio.

He rubbed on some kind of cream before putting a bandage around both your knees.

"You should wear the knee pads I gave you, let me see your wrist." You let him hold your wrists, turning it around checking the whole area.

"Does it hurt?", he looked up at you.
You nodded, "a little."

It hurted from the impact, most likely because it carried your body weight for a moment when you fell.

He kissed your wrists and gave you a radiating smile.

You squinted your eyes at him, giving him a playful glare.

The music was still playing in the background, as you kept your gaze at each other.

You quickly stood up, grabbing his hands. Despite your knees that were aching a little, you wanted to finish the song. The bones were alright, so you assured that you could still dance.

You danced along as he just stared at you for a few seconds, doubtful that you could dance after tripping.

He joined along as the last verse finished off.

He clapped his hands while giving you a proud look.

You winked at him before hugging him.
He swung you side to side while his chin rested on your head. 

He intertwined your hands as you walked to your backpacks, wearing them before exiting the dance studio.

You were teaching kids at a dance company, and it gave you the love for kids. Little kids always made you happy, even just by watching them. And you liked it more by teaching them your passion, dancing.

You drove to your shared condo unit, which was a few blocks away from your workplace.

You felt like gagging at the moment, and your belly was hurting.

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