#60 | pjm

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You rested your chin on your palm while your arms were on the table. You were sitting on a high chair with a view of the outside. This place always kept your heart warm.

"Here's your latté, miss Mihyun." The lady with an apron placed a mug infront of you.

"Gomawo," you smiled at her as she did the same. You were a regular customer of this cafe, for almost four years. You were glad it never closed, since many precious memories were made in this place.

"Your boyfriend came here earlier again, why don't you ever meet?", she asked.

Almost everytime you come to the café, she would tell you that, saying he came.

It's been a year, why'd he come?

Oh, how did she know? For three years, this was where you two always met. For a year, you two were just friends. The barista girl always teased the both of you back then. Until her predictions came true, the next two years, he was your boyfriend. And the next one year?


You stared blankly while sipping on the mug of coffee. Infront of you was a crossing, so familiar in your mind and heart.

You saw the most beautiful man across the street, it filled your eyes with hope.
But you were hopeless. It's always been like that for a year. Just hallucinations. A crowd of people cross and then, he was gone. He was just an imagination, now.

Right now, you wished that your hallucination would stop, just as much as you want your feelings to fade.

You wished you could just forget him, but things aren't that way. Wishes are only until wishes. But as much as you wished you could forget him, you just wanted him to appear infront of you and say, "I'm back, jagiya!" But then again, wishes are just wishes.

You wanted to believe the barista girl, saying that he always came here, but your mind was way too filled up for more of that. More of him.

"I don't even think he knows me," you whisper underneath your breath.

"Hi, are you Kim Mihyun?", you heard a pretty familiar voice near you.

You nodded your head, still staring blankly, lost in your thoughts.

"Oh, you're my therapist, right?", you turned to him when he said that.


He ran his fingers through his hair, back to a dark black shade.

"N-ne," you forced a smile.

"Nice to meet you! Park Jimin imnida~", his ever so charming eye smile that captured your heart years ago, which he probably doesn't remember, sadly.

"I know..— I mean, they told me your name... Nice to meet you, Jimin."
Acting like you don't know him shattered your heart, and the worst part, he doesn't know you too, but at least your name.

"Where do we start?", he smiled again, but stopped and squinted his eyes at you. "You look awfully familiar..."

"Oh, really? Mhm.. your past. You can decided which part of your past you want to start with." You tried to stay cool as possible, even though you had a lot to say to him.

Your heart raced when he spoke;
"Past relationships."


Should you tell him? You didn't expect that he would be your patient. Anyways, this is your job, you should do it.

"Let's just say, you're a no boyfriend since birth guy. You only had one girlfriend in your life," you said, avoiding eye contacts as much as you could.

"Oh, how did you know all these things?", he curiously asked.

"Well, they chose me for a reason," you confidently answered.

"And I wonder what's the reason..
So, my girlfriend, where is she now?"
You gasped when he never said 'ex'

"I.. I have no idea, but one thing's for sure, she loves you so much." It hurts you on how clueless he looked after you said that.

"How are you so sure? Anyways, I want to see her.. maybe I could at least say sorry and might as well get back with her if she's still free after a year," he sipped on the frappucino he just ordered before appearing next to you.

"Please tell me, beautiful therapist," he whined cutely.

"Nope, not telling you." You chuckled at his actions. Oh if only he knew..

"Please??", he did his aegyo, how could he not forget how to aegyo with amnesia.

"Maybe I'll tell you on our last day," you suggested and he smiled at your words.

"I want to know where the accident happened," he demanded

Memories flash inside your head as you fight the urge to tear up.

"Hmm, it's not pretty far away from here."

You pointed your index finger at the street infront of you.

"Waeyo? Ottokhae?"

"Hi jagiya!" He waved from the other side of the street as you grinned and ran to him, unknowingly, there was a car speeding up towards you.

Just when the car was a few meters away, a hand pulled you and you fell on your elbows.

You heard a loud bang just behind you.

Absentminded from what just happened, you got lost in your thoughts for a moment before turning your head to look at the street.


It was a nightmare in which everyday you had to wake up to. It haunted you every night, so you decided to stay away from him. But guess what, destiny brought you back.

What's next? Will your nightmare turn into a dream?

A/N: Yay i reached 60 parts heh
i might do a part 2 for this dw, and i thought of having a face reveal when this reaches 10k reads huehue should i?
i won't reveal my age since it might ruin your imaginations if your minds learn how young i am haha

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