Chapter 6

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     He looked at me with a slight blush and a part smile. "I think I love you too Chanse." Was he serious? Did he really love me too? "R-really?" I asked accidentally stuttering. He smiled more and nodded. "Yes really, and by the way, you're adorable when you stutter." I buried my face in his blanket to hide my blush, he giggled and pulled the blanket down to my chest. "Hey, how about you go grab that duffel bag from your room?" I was a bit confused and I guess Jeff could see it in my face. "Cuz I think we can make this our room."

     I smiled widely and jumped out of bed, ran to the other room, grabbed the bag, and ran back to our room...hehe, I like the way that sounds. Jeff smiled at me when he saw me take out Mr. Flippers, (my stuffy) and put him at the foot of the bed. "You're a little kid you know that?" Jeff said softly to me. I just stuck my tongue out at him and covered back up. He smiled more and hugged me tight. "I love you Chanse." I hugged him back and nuzzled deeply. "I love you too Mr. Flippers." Jeff just rolled his eyes with a smile. "I love you too Jeff." I said to him and gently kissed his cheek. Jeff smiled more and kissed my forehead softly. "Go to sleep Chanse." I looked up at him with an eyebrow raised. "Caaaaan you please rephrase that?" I asked with a little sarcasm. He groaned cutely. "Fiiiiine, how about..." He thought for a second. "Goodnight baby." And he gently kissed me. "Sweet dreams Jeffy." I said with a yawn and laid my head on his chest, letting myself fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

*The next morning*

     I woke up to see Jeff's beautiful gray eyes fallen on my blue ones. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "So, do you just watch me while I sleep?" I asked him with a slight giggle. He smiled more as he just replied with a maybe. I stretched and cracked my back. "Ahh that felt good." Jeff laughed a little and threw Mr. Flippers at me. I pretended to gasp and catch him. "Noooo! He can't fly!" Jeff giggled like a little kid, he's so cute when he giggles. He then took the blanket off himself and gave me the rest of it, I blushed deeply at his bare cock and hid my face. I heard him laugh. "You weren't hiding from it last night Gorgeous." I blushed more and jokingly flipped him off as he walked to the bathroom.

     He walked back in the room a few minutes later with his bloody hoodie and jeans on. I smiled at him and threw him one of my hoodies and my jeans from the day before. "Here put these on, I'll wash yours." He smiled back and thanked me. I took his dirty clothes once he changed and threw them in the washing machine. I then walked back to our room to see Jeff was gone, probably killing again...but that's the man I love. I smiled to myself as I thought about how much I love him.

     I went to the living room and started cleaning up, not the bloodstains though. I have some limits. And those limits include nonsexual bodily fluids. Like blood. Or eyeball juice. I picked up all the cans and bottles and threw them in the duffel bag. Then I put all the pizza boxes and other trash in a trash bag that was on the floor. The place now looked somewhat presentable, apart from all the dried blood on the walls and carpet. I walked back to our room to see Jeff on the bed, licking blood off his knife...I'm not sure why but it turned me on, I tried to hide it but I think he knew. Maybe because of the bulge in my pants, or maybe because of the blush on my face. All I knew was that he was making me really, REALLY horny.

Broken Again: My Sanity (a Jeff The Killer Story) (Warning, Contains Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now