Chapter 16

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     I looked outside the cage, my eyes wet from tears. I couldn't believe minute I'm killing someone, next I'm locked in a cage by a psychopath. I saw a bright light fill the room the cage was in. I looked around with my eyes squinted from light. Volk stood in front of the cage with that same damn smirk. I looked up at him with my voice cracked from crying the night before. "P-please, just let me go...I'm begging you..." He crouched down to the cage hight and smiled at me. "What? Don't you like it here?" I let a few more tears roll down my cheeks and shook my head. Suddenly Volk threw the door off the cage and picked me up by my throat.

     I gasped for breath as his grip tightened, he was now lifting me off the ground. I tried to pry his hand from my neck, but it wouldn't budge. It was a death grip...I knew it had to be...I was gonna I was thinking of my demise, Volk roughly threw me to the ground on my stomach. I felt as if my ribs had all just shattered at once. I was doubled over in pain, gasping for breath when I felt a weight on my back push me to the ground.

     I was heaving with air slowly returning as I clutched my ribs in agony. I turned my head a bit to see that the weight on me was Volk...I could feel his buldge through his pants, his hands pinned me to the floor roughly.  I whimpered, begging him not to do my whimpers grew louder he tore off the briefs he had me in...I heard a zip from behind me, and I soon felt his member grazing against my ass.

     I cried louder as I felt his member align with me...I begged more as I felt his grip on my arms. "Please! Please d-don't! P-please let me go!" Volk chuckled and licked my ear. "Scream all you want my little pet, no one can hear you." I began to cry harder as he slowly pushed his entire length into me...I screamed out in fear and pain. "P-please! J-Jeff! S-somebody help!" Volk just laughed as he thrusted faster into me...I winced in pain with each thrust. Volk pounded into my ass even harder, I screamed louder and cried harder..."P-p-please! N-n-no m-more! I j-just w-wanna go h-home!" Just as I had run out of breath to scream, I felt him release inside of me...slowly his thrusts stoped and he pulled himself out. I curled up tightly with my knees in my face as tears streamed down my face...Volk threw a pair of panties at me and chuckled. "Put these on, and get in your cage. Like a good little bitch." I was shaking violently as I slowly put the panties hurt to sit up, or even get up...I crawled to the cage and curled up again as Volk locked the door.

     *Later that night*

     I stared at the floor eyes puffy and my cheeks stained with tears. Volk had thrown me a bowl of dogfood...he actually expected me to be He wanted me to be his lap dog...I took the bowl and quickly threw it out of the cage, smashing it against the wall. I screamed out in anger and despair. Volk soon came into my view. I glared at him as he picked up the dogfood dish. He turned to me. "Don't play with your food. If you misbehave again I'll have to punish you." I strated breathing heavily and screamed at the top of my lungs. "Let me go! You sick fuck!" Volk threw the dish on the ground and pulled out the remote...before I had a chance to say anything I felt a huge shock of electricity shoot through me...once it stopped I fell limp against the cage. "Be a good boy. Got it?" I looked away and nodded...I have to get out of here.

Broken Again: My Sanity (a Jeff The Killer Story) (Warning, Contains Lemons)Where stories live. Discover now