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Aella pov
I woke up in, not my bed, but Tonys I see Tony and Athena I smile and take a pic "Tony...?" I say slightly shaking him awake "yeah?" "I'm hungry" "hi hungry I'm tony" "tony this isn't time for fucking dad jokes" he laughs at me and got up to the bathroom I go to his closet and grab a sweatshirt from him so I'm out of my leather jacket.
I go to his computer in the 'gaming room' and I turn it on and start to play his game but fail he comes out with just a towel on around his waist "whatcha doin" he asked "can you teach me?" "No" he said I pout and go to chances room and see him and Alex cuddling I smile and wedge myself between them.
"Momma dada?" "Excuse me" Chance said "I'm claiming y'all as my parents because y'all are goals" I say while giggling "Tony come get your girl!" Chance says, tony comes in and grabs me like a kid "I hate being light" I pouted "but dad mom..." I say while we leave the doorway and all I hear is laughing.  Tony carries me to his room and slams me on his bed, then looked confused "what?" I say innocently "is that my hoodie?"He says pointing at it "maybe" I giggle and run downstairs to just run into Jake "ow fuck" I say in pain "Aella?" "Hey- oh don't film me please" I say referring to his huge camera "okay..." he walks off and I go to the kitchen and grab a water. I turn and see nick "oh my god you scared me" I say with my hand on my heart "Aella? Right?" "Correct" I say with a smile "so do you have any talents?" "Nun that are appropriate"I say while smirking to my self "bahaha" I turn and see Anthony "oh shut it I wasn't talking about sex, but it did come across my mind" I say "what are those talents?" Anthony asks "umm...nothing actually" I say hesitant "okay" nick gets up and leaves. I finish my water and toss it in the trash scoring a good three pointer
"Wow" I turn and see Jake "what I just put a bottle in the trash, want me to put you in there too" I say smirking/ laughing "and the roast begins" he leaves to go film.

I walk through some of the house and it's pretty dirty so I put in some headphones and blast music while I sweep and mop the floors.

I've finished and I turned around to see a big group of people aka Team10 "I know I'm bad at singing I get it..."I say while walking to the kitchen with the cleaning supplies. "Why are y'all still here?" They followed me into the kitchen, "why did you say you didn't have a talent?" "Because I don't" "you were just singing like Beyoncé in there" "pft no".

Nick kept talking about my "talent", I decided I have to go because I don't want to disturb them "guys I'm leaving!" "What no!" I see Erika "I don't want to disturb y'all" "I wanna hang with you tho"she wines and pouts "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 1 be ready" I told her "okay! Bye".

I left and went back to my place and realized I still had Tony's hoodie "crap" I muttered and I even got my leather jacket, I set my stuff in my room and decided to go online shopping so I ordered dishes, bed, dresser, tv, couch and more. I finished and it was 8 pm I showered and went to sleep on the air mattress.


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