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Aella pov
I woke up next to Anthony and I kiss his forehead and I get up, grab my phone and go downstairs.
I open my phone and see messages from 4 unknown and one from my old friend. "What the fuck" I say to my self. I open them and one if from the message way back. Some said "I know where you are" "you know who I am" "you are part of me" "you belong with 'us". I shake my head and try to ignore it. I know eventually someone will find out about my past, but it was the least of my concerns.
I grab a water bottle and I go on my phone leaning against the counter. Anthony walks in and hugs me from behind. "Hey baby" he said kissing my temple. "Hey pooks" I say. He turns us around and grabs my face. "Your so fucking cute. Your my fucking baby" I smile and peck his lips. I turn to my phone and see I recorded it "pooks, I got you saying that" I say smiling. He smiles and takes a sip from my water "what do you wanna do?" I asked "I'm chilling today and me and Chance are gonna stream" "okay I'm probably gonna hang with Rik" he nods and goes upstairs and I follow and sit with him while he games.

Aella pov
I was in the kitchen when the door got a knock and Jake and opened it. There was voices and I could hear pretty well. "Hey is Aella here?" A man asks "why? Do you need her?"jake says "let us the fuck in!" I knew that voice.
I get up and run in the foyer "well if it isn't sweet lil A" he says "don't fucking call me that! Get off the premises or I will call the cops Dean!!" "Oh but A you will be there with us" "don't sweet talk me!" "Don't fucking talk to me in that tone AELLA QUIMBY!" "GET OUT!" I say sternly. "Oh really cuz I have to talk to someone let's see a brunette boy all up on you..." "touch him I dare you!" I say getting in his face. "ANTHONY!" Jake yells "NO" I scream Anthony runs down and sees Dean. "Hello sir" Anthony says. I slap my forehead, Dean went to give him a hand shake "No don't touch him Dean, get the fuck off" I say pushing Anthony away "so Anthony did you fuck her" Dean says "DEAN!!" I say "YOU LET HIM TOUCH YOU! HE DOESNT EVEN KNOW YOUR LAST NAME!" He screams "SO WHAT MY LAST NAME IS A DISGRACE!" He shoves me away and gets close to Anthony. I get up and grip his arm, then I here the click release of his glock. He whips it out and points it at Anthony. "DAD!!!!!" I scream he points the gun to everyone. I go and kick the gun out of his hand and point it at him "Dean Michael Blood, who the hell is here and why are you here?!" I yell pointing it at him "Matt, JoJo, and I" he says, I get furious "Matthew Greggory Lucifer!" I screamed he runs in and I look at him "why the hell are y'all here?" I say "you can't be here" he said "well I am and no one is going to get in between me and my man or me and my real family because I KNOW FOR A DAMN FACT YOU ALL ARE NOT SO GET OFF THE FUCKING PROPERTY!!" Matt leaves but JoJo stays. I turn and see all of Team10 standing there, I point the gun down until Dean (aka my dad) takes it out my hand "Aella get in the car" he tells me "no I'm an adult I don't want to go the old ways anymore!" I say "do they know about your old ways?!!" He screamed I turn and see Anthony and everyone scared. "You haven't told them have you?" He said I shake my head no. "Hmm maybe this will explain" he lifts my shirt to my tattoo "explain to them who you are and what your family does" I put my head down "Jake Anthony Team10, I'm sorry I really am before I start but... here goes, that's my Dad Dean he is the head leader of the gang known as the bloods which is my family my full name is Aella Quimby Blood, I am the rightful daughter of Dean Blood and Alexandria Blood. I used to do stuff drink and smoke but I stopped over 3years ago and went to a mental hospital and got it fixed I am no just a horribly mixed tan girl with a fucked up life and a gang tattoo on her side and I get it if you want to kick me out and I'm sorry that my father pointed a glock in your face" I look up and I see some concerned faces "well Aella Imma leave you like this bye" dean says "what?" I say "they now know so live your life like hell" he tells me "You! YOU ARE THE WORST FUCKING FATHER ANYBODY COULD ASK FOR. MOM DIED BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU DIDNT SAVE ME WHEN I WAS GETTING RAPED YOU DIDNT HELP WITH MY DEPRESSION YOU SAT THERE AND LET YOUR DAUGHTER HARM HER HEALTH AND SUFFER!! FUCK YOU DEAN MICHAEL BLOOD I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU FACE OR YOUR STUPID SIGN FUCKING AGAIN YOU COME TO MY REAL FAMILYS HOME AND TRY TO SHOOT THE ONE I FUCKING LOVE I LOVE TONY HES THE BEST THING THATS HAPPENED TO ME IN 3 YEARS SO WHAT I FUCKED THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE SOME LESSONS FROM HIM BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT TREAT ME LIKE HOW YOU TREATED MOM!!!" I screamed at him "AELLA QUIMBY YOU DO NOT SPEAK OF YOU MOTHER OR ME YOU CAUSED THIS ON YOUR OWN!!" He said "NO SIR JAKE IS A FUCKING HARD WORKER JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE BUT YOU YOU ARE A LYING THIEVING BACKSTABBING DEATH TRAP!!!, leave or I will force you Dean..." he leaves and slams the door I fall to the floor and cry against the door.
I felt someone touch me it was Erika "get away from me please..." I say looking away, "Aella look at me" she said I close my eyes and I look up and open them "omg honey your eyes are bloodshot" she says "no Erika I'm going to go actually I'm done here I think I don't have the same respect as before. "No no no I'm going to talk to Jake you stay in the kitchen" she says, I just nod and open the fridge I see alcohol but I can't resist. I grab 4 beer and sit against the wall and drink all of them quick. I sit with my head leaned back taking in what I said, I loved Anthony. I mentioned my mom...Matt betrayed me. My life fucking sucks.

Jake pov
I was in my room replaying what happened downstairs. Erika walked in and closed the door.
Changing style again

E-Jake she can't leave here
J-she is part of a gang!
E-shhh quiet her father just pointed a gun at her she has no mother she has been raped and went to a mental hospital, and so what she drank and did drugs who hasn't smoked a little weed or cigarette.
J-but if the fans find out she's part of one...
E-so what about the fans if they can't appreciate her then so be it but she said she loved Anthony and that we were way better than her real family.
J-where is she?
E-downstairs...alone, fuck!

Erika and I run downstairs and we catch Aella passed out by drinking a lot of beer. And I can't blame her. I pick her up and put her in the spare bedroom and we go to sleep.

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