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"I'm pregnant" I say tony gets up and hugs me with Jake and Erika following.
They let go "we will let y'all talk" Erika says, her and Jake walk out. "Anthony I'm sorry" I say "what why" he said "are you happy" I ask "I'm so excited" he said as he slams his lips into mine. We both smile into it and we go downstairs. To the rest of Team10 "I am hungry" I say the chef made burgers and some green beans and I ate that up real quick, "yo Anthony and Aella should make a song" Jake says "what?" I say "you're so good at sing and Anthony is good at rapping y'all should do a song" Chad says elaborating. "Well think about it" I say smiling at him.

We go to bed and fall asleep

I woke up and vomited and Tony came into the bathroom and held my hair up.

"I'm already tired of it" I say he laughs and kisses me then my stomach, I laugh and lay back in bed and grab a note book I start writing lyrics to a song maybe and put it down. "What was that?" Anthony asked "wanna read it?" I ask, he nods and I hand it to him. He closes it and smiles "what?" I say "nothing" he tells me "no what is it" I ask "it's cute baby" he says. I smile and I put it back. "Let's get ready and go somewhere" I say "wanna just cuddle and stay home?" He asks "hell yeah" I get up and get dressed in a sweatshirt and another pair of Tony's basketball shorts, I walk down with tony behind me and Chad looks at me weird "I heard about wearing your boyfriends sweatshirt but not his wardrobe" he says I hear Anthony chuckle and I roll my eyes "it's comfy tho and I look pretty hot" I say laughing to my self . I walk into the kitchen and Anthony slaps my ass so hard I'm probably not in the same dimension "OW fuck babe?!!" I say he put his hands over his mouth and comes towards me to say sorry "I don't want hear it pooks you just abused me I can't have your child if it's gonna be like this" I say with a giggle he laughs at me "yeah right I'm to irresistible" he said "don't be cocky now" I say. I get a bowl of ramen and put it in the microwave.

"So..." Jake says while at the counter with us "what?" I say "you know the lil human in you" He said, I laugh. "Yeah what about it" I ask. "You know you and Tony have been together for a while now when are y'all gonna get married" I spit out my juice "what?!" I say "say it don't spray it" he says wiping his face "sorry but I don't know about marriage I never thought about it whack I have to wear a dress" I say. "Your mom and dad were married" Jake says "no they weren't they just dated" I say "oh" he says, I laugh. I put my bowl and cup in the sink and I go up to find Rick.

"Hey A" She said. "Hi" I say as I plop onto her bed "what's wrong" she asks me "Jake brought up marriage between me and Tony  and I pretty much denied tony that I don't want to marry him" I say "what did you say" she asked. "Well when Jake said marriage I spit out my juice and I said "sorry but I don't know about marriage I never thought about it heck I have to wear a dress"  then Jake goes on and says "Your mom and dad were married" And I said "no they weren't they just dated" ugh" I finish as I turn to her. "Go find Tony and explain to him" I nod and I go to find Tony.

I see him on the back porch with his phone, I open the door and see he way back in my insta timeline. "Oh no" I say laughing as I snatch his phone. "Hand it back" he says smiling. I run barefoot in the yard with him chasing me I towards bob and Anthony is parallel to me "he-he got to get me" I say he laughs. out of know where tony grabs me and takes his phone then i hear a lot of awes, i look up and i see every one in the window.

me and tony walk back in and i grab his hand and lead him upstairs. I walk into our room and close the door "what?" he says "don't play i know your sad because i said no to marriage" i say crossing my arms "no I'm not" he says crossing his arms mimicking me, I cock my eyebrow up and he breaks "fine yes I was kinda upset about the marriage thing" he says plopping on the bed. I walk over to him and straddle his waist and put my hands on the side of his head "pooks marriage isn't a full no it's just that Jake brought it up out of no where and I wasn't prepared" I say pecking his lips "but you have to wear a dress" he says "Tony it's a damn dress I can wear it then" I say rolling my eyes at him, "fine" he says as he flips me under neath him. I giggle, he stares at me "stawp" I say, he grabs my cheeks and kisses my squished lips. I laugh, so does he "awe" I hear and me and Tony see chad and everyone at our door. "Oops" chad says. We both laugh and Team10 goes downstairs to eat.

Me and Tony go back upstairs and get ready for bed and fall asleep tangled in each other's limbs.


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