C H A P T E R 4

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—daniel's pov—

as the alarm went off, i rubbed my eyes and picked up the phone. i smiled at the date knowing that i get to spend all day with her. i go to her contact and message her

nova 💫

good morning sleepy head,
ready for today?

good morning, yeah but do we
really have to get up this early?

welcome to our tour life

how do you manage to get
up so early in the morning?

i'm a morning person, it's
easy for me

ew, mornings are gross

but sunrises aren't

that's true

ok i better get ready, so see
you once we're done?

sounds good nova
read 5:03 am

i shut off my phone and walk to the bathroom. i splash cold water onto my face to wake myself up, after a couple of minutes jonah comes in.

'you're gonna make a move on her tonight right?' jonah questioned as he started brushing his teeth

'y-yeah i don't know though' i confess as i spit out the toothpaste and wash off my toothbrush

'well when the times right, you'll know what to do' jonah pats my back as he walks out

i sigh at the fact, what if i don't know what to do? as i walk out i grab a clean shirt and pants from my suitcase, i slip them on and complete the look with some white vans.

a knock is heard at the door as we all finish packing up our stuff. jack walks over to open the door,'you guys ready? we have to get on the road' tyler urges us.

'yeah we're all set' jonah says as we roll out our suitcases

once we got downstairs, we were met with nova smiling sweetly at us

'good morning boys' she gleamed

'good morning nova' we all said as she giggled

'ready for a big day?' i say to her

'ready as i'll ever be!' she exclaims

we guide her over to the large tour bus as she awes.

'so this is where you guys live on tour?' she asks as she hopes on the bus

'well i guess you can say that' zach says as he follows her in

we all sit and talk as the bus drives towards the venue. corbyn, zach and jonah get up to play fortnite in the back of the bus while jack goes to his bunk to sleep once more. i move to sit next to nova, she yawns and lays her head on my shoulder once again.

'tired?' i chuckle

she hums in response and falls asleep, i smile as i admire her beauty. carefully, i pull out a notebook and start writing down song ideas.


after an hour or two, we arrive at the venue. i shake nova and she gets up slowly.

'are we here?' she asks as she sleepily rubs her eyes

i nod at her as she gets up to stretch, i take the opportunity to get up and stretch as well. i looks towards jack's bunk to see if he was awake, i walk over and open the curtain to see him still asleep. i playfully slap his face startling him.

'dude what the heck?!' he exclaims as he swats my hand away.
nova bursts out laughing as jack rolls out of his bunk,' someone's a little grumpy i see' she says

'i was enjoying my nap but someone, had to ruin it' he glares at me

'well you can sleep as much as you want tonight jack' i pat his back as he groans

we all grab our stuff and head into the venue to set up and sound check.

—nova's pov—

as we headed inside, i could see a crew of people slowly setting up their stage. there were lights being hung, lights getting tweaked and fixed. off to the side, i could see people hanging curtains and sweeping the floor. it was a large venue, i was quite surprised. as the boys waited for everything to get set up, i walked into the bathroom to put on makeup and fix my shirt and ripped jeans. as i finished up, i walk out and spot jonah

'hey jo' i exclaim as o sit next to him

'hey nova, enjoying the venue?' he asks

'it's huge! is it a sold out show?' i reply

'yup, our fans go hard' he states

'i can tell if you guys can score a venue this big' i say

'our dallas show was by far our largest with over 3,000' he chuckles

'dude that's incredible' i awe

'well, it really wouldn't have happened without our fans' he smiles

'you ready jonah?!' corbyn shouts from the stage

'yup!' jonah yells back as he jogs over to the stage

as they sing and tune their harmonies, i couldn't help but admire their hard work and effort to make everything perfect. i walk closer to the stage and sit on the ground watching them soundcheck, daniel looks up from his computer and smiles. i smile back at him, i watch him as he tries to hide a very visible blush. i giggle at his efforts as corbyn smirks at him.

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now