C H A P T E R 31

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—daniel's pov—

the boys and i were hopping onto a flight back home, ready to start our book tour. corbyn sat at the window seat, i sat in the middle, jonah sat in the aisle and the rest of the guys sat in the aisle across from ours. after the plane took off, i went on my phone and scrolled through instagram.

'dude, did you see this?' corbyn asked as he leaned over to show me a tmz article

i took his phone into my hands and observed the article, 'breaking news : after weeks of going mia, model nova everett has called for a break due to personal issues'

jonah looks over to read the article as well

'do you think-' i begin to say

'it could be daniel' corbyn states as i hand him his phone back

'but why would she take a break because of that? her career was starting to grow' i simply say

'who knows daniel' jonah sighs

'but you know, it'll probably be best if you visited her. it'll help you to man' jonah continues

'why do you think it'll help me?' i question

'cause look at you, you're skinnier than usual, you're not happy anymore, even the fans noticed your sudden changes daniel' jonah exclaims

'he's right daniel, it'll be good for the both of you. because this article shows that she's definitely not over you' corbyn states as he points to the article

'maybe, but the only issue is, i don't know where she is' i shrug as i sigh in defeat

'well i do' corbyn replies

'wait you do?' both jonah and i ask

'yeah, nova and i were really close whenever she was with us. she wanted to keep in contact with me even after you guys broke up' corbyn chuckles

'then where is she?' i question

'she's at her mom's home in virginia, i can ask for her address so 'we' can send her some flowers' corbyn winks

'you're a genius corbyn' i laugh

'why thank you, i really try' corbyn replies in a goofy voice

'but you think it'll really work?' i ask

'definitely, i don't see why it wouldn't' jonah shrugs

'ok let's do it then' i smile

—nova's pov—

i groan as i sit up in my bed, i look around at my childhood bedroom. not much has changed, nothing was moved. everything was still in its place, i look down at the nightstand to see the little model of saturn that dad had given me. i pick it up and hold it in my hands, i watch as the sand moves in the glass ball. i smile at it remembering the moment when dad gave it to me.

i hear a knock on the door so i look up, 'come in'

'hey, good morning sweetie. breakfast will be ready soon' mom smiles

'thank you, i'll be there in a couple minutes' i reply

she closes the door and i put the model of saturn back on its glass stand. i get up and change into some sweats and a baggy t shirt. quickly, i then put my hair up into a lazy bun and walk out to the dinner table.

'here you go love, i made you some pancakes' mom smiles as she sets the plate in front of me

'thanks mom' i smile back as she sets her plate in front of her and sits across from me

'so how have you been doing?' she asks as she takes a bite out of her pancakes

'i'm ok, i decided to take a break from modeling to de stress from everything' i reply

'well that's good, and how about daniel? he must be exhausted after traveling all over europe' mom asks

'um i don't know really' i state as i pick at my food

'but you're his girlfriend, don't you know what he's doing?' mom questions

'back in paris, daniel and i had a fight and we ended up breaking up. we broke up solely because we didn't use enough communication, he never hurt me in any way, it was just some issues that needed to be worked out over time' i huff

'but you still care about him don't you?' she asks

'no not at all' i quickly state

'oh really? then do explain the many times i've seen you look at pictures of the two of you' mom says as she furrows her eyebrows

'ok maybe a little' i chuckle softly

'but he probably doesn't even miss me, he hasn't called or texted at all-' i continue before getting interrupted by my phone buzzing

i quickly pick it up to see a text message from corbyn

'is it daniel' mom asks

'nope, it's just a text from corbyn asking for our address since the guys want to send flowers' i smile

'awe how sweet of them, if daniel doesn't care about you, then at least they will' mom chuckles

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now