C H A P T E R 5

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—daniel's pov—

after a couple of hours of sound checking and stage prep, the fans with limelight started coming in. as i hugged and talked to various fans, i would occasionally look towards the stage to see if i could spot nova. i saw her appear from behind a curtain, she looked up and smiled as i did the same. the next 20 minutes went by fast, we then started taking m&g pictures. during vip, nova walked over to tyler to ask him a question, i then hear a couple of girls squealing. a group of girls swarm nova, their flash shining on her perfect face

'nova! i didn't know you knew why don't we!' one fan yelled over the commotion

'you're so amazing! can i take a picture?' another yelled

nova giggled and talked to the girls as she took pictures with each of them.


vip had ended and everyone waited in the venue, i walk over to nova as she sets down some equipment. 

'you've got a fan base i see' i wink at her

she blushed as she brushed a strand of hair back, 'yeah, i would've never suspected some to be here'

'well, i guess it's show time?' she giggled

'almost, you'll get to see us in action. the fans go hard' i rub my neck.

'well i can't wait to see the craziness with my own eyes' she smiles as she walks away

—nova's pov—

i say in the green room as eben got ready to go on stage.

'where's the mic?!' he asked as he scrambled around the room

'here eben!' zach yelled as he tossed eben the mic.

'thanks bro!' he yelled back as he ran out the door. 

we all watched eben walk on stage as the music cued. the crowd went wild as a sea of phones went up. during his performance he looked towards the side, i gave him a thumbs up receiving a smile from him.  i turn to see the boys still standing behind me

'go get ready' i yell as i push them back into the green room'

they scrambled back into the room hooking up their in-ears and fixing their clothes. 20 minutes passed and eben burst through the door.

'dude that was insane!' he said plopping onto the couch.

'are the clothes on the hangers?' tyler asked as he walked through the green room door
'yeah' they replied

'ok, get on stage!' tyler yelled

we all got up and walked to the stage, eben sat down and started typing away on the mac. the lights dimmed and fog filled the stage. the crowd screamed as the intro started playing, i watched the boys from across the stage huddled up, i smile as they pull away and look up. i give them all a thumbs up as eben silently cheers for them. the lights dim once again and they enter the stage. the song starts, and i gotta say, they have the most angelic voices ever. jonah was right, the crowd was loud. they performed a couple more songs before exiting stage for their outfit change. as they ran towards the green room, they quickly changed and headed out in only 3 minutes. 

'you guys change fast' i yell over the music

'well you gotta if you want to get on stage on time' jack replied

they quickly got on stage and sang a couple more songs, i pulled up a chair next to eben.

'amazing right?' eben asked as he chuckled

'dude they're better than amazing!' i exclaimed

'they really are, they're trying to improve' eben says

'improve? they don't need any more improvement! they're absolutely amazing as is!' i say

'that's true, but they want to impress the fans with some new stuff' he leans back in his chair

i nod my head and look back towards the stage. i pull out my phone and take a picture on my instagram story and tagged their band account. after a couple of minutes, my phone exploded with notifications. most of them were mainly why don't we accounts. 

'so i see that the fandom found you' eben says as he looks over my shoulder

'i assume so, my notifications are filled with why dont we accounts' i say

'well welcome to the family' eben smiles as he gives me a hug

i laugh as he pull away, i turn my attention to see daniel coming off of stage in his suit. he brushed my shoulder as he quickly runs back into the green room. he normally gave me smile or something, but he never looked at me. did i do something wrong?

—daniel's pov—

as we performed, i turn to take a glance at nova. i then see her and eben laughing, he hugs her as she laughs once more. i couldn't help but feel jealous, maybe she doesn't like me. maybe it's just a game. i shake the thought out temporarily as we finish the song, once it ends we walk off stage. she smiles at me as i brush against her shoulder, i felt a little hurt not gonna lie.

'dude you ok?' corbyn whispered as we dressed

'yeah' i snapped

'you're definitely not ok' jack said as jonah put on his shoes

'close the door' i say

jonah reaches over and closes the door, 'ok what happened?'

'i saw eben and nova hugging and laughing, it was pretty obvious that he was getting really close with her' i breath out

'oh so someone's jealous?' zach says bumping my arm

'no!' i say a little too quickly

'yeah he's jealous' corbyn says as he helps me up

'talk to her, once limelight's done, talk to her in the bus. we'll leave you guys alone' jonah reassuringly says

'ok' i quietly say as we walk back out

i look over to nova's spot, she disappeared and so did eben. i sigh and walk on stage.

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now