C H A P T E R 7

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—daniel's pov—

'yes daniel, you did hurt me'

those words rang in my head, i felt the tears flow down my cheeks.

i look nova straight in the eyes, 'i. am. so. so. sorry' i choke out

'i never meant to hurt you nova, i got jealous because you were getting close to eben and i-i don't know. i guess i couldn't deal with my emotions so i shut you out, i never meant to hurt you in any way. i never meant for this to happen'

she slowly cups my face and wipes away the tears with the pad of her thumbs. despite her hurt hand, she held my face and looked at me.

'why were you jealous of eben?' she asked gently

'because' i sniffle, 'because i was afraid to lose you, i was afraid to lose the person who means the most to me'

her eyes soften as a smile slowly tugs at her lips

'i didn't want him to take away the girl that i love' i finished

a smile appeared on her face as one appeared on mine

'well daniel, i wasn't about to let eben take me away from you' she softly says as i gently pull her into my lap

i caress her cheek as i smile like an idiot,

'you're so adorable' she laughs

i can't help but join in on her fit of laughter. as we slowly calm down, we look back at each other and realize how close we were. her face was only centimeters away from my face, i look at her eyes then her lips. she follows my eyes as we both lean in. our lips touched and i could feel a little spark. our lips moved in sync with one another, my heart pounded as the kiss went on. we finally pulled apart for some air, i looked into her beautiful blue eyes and melted

'i've wanted to do that for so long' i finally say

'i'm glad you did' she replies

'wanna head back inside?' i stand

'nah, i'll just stay here. it's a lot warmer in here' she responds as she sits on the bench

'ok, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call me' i hover over her
'ok' she smiles

i peck her lips before exiting the bus, as i walk back i silently cheer to myself. i did that. once i get back to the venue, i interact with the fans for a while before it was time for us to leave.


as we packed up the equipment and our stuff, i couldn't help but smile at the events that occurred earlier

'ohhh whatcha smilin' about?' corbyn pokes

'nothing' i said

'well that smile doesn't look like nothing' zach joined in

'yeah what's up with you being all smiley lately' jonah questioned

'it's nothing!' i chuckle as my smile gets bigger

'you liar!' jack smacked my shoulder

'ow' i yelled as i swatted his arm

'fine, i'll tell you guys' i give in

'well hurry up!' zach threw his hands into the air as we all stood in a circle

'i um' i stutter

'come on, spit it out!' corbyn egged on

'i kissed nova' i blurt out as i rub my neck

'dude! you finally did it' jonah exclaimed as he hugged me

'speaking of nova, what happened?' jack asked

i spend the next couple of minutes explaining to them her situation and how it happened. i felt pretty bad that i was the cause of her injury.

—nova's pov—

as i lie on the couch, i heard a crowd of voices enter into the bus.

'oh boy' i said to myself

the door slide open to reveal the group of boys, i smiled at them as i sat up

'hey nova' the boys said before entering the small room. i looked at each if the boys' faces to see them smirking at each other, daniel sat next to me as he placed an arm over my shoulder. corbyn and zach got up to watch a movie and jack and jonah got up and went to their bunks, daniel and i sat in the back lounge just enjoying the peace.

'hey, is your hand hurting?' he asked gently

'no not really' i respond laying my head on his chest

'did you take an advil earlier?' he asked once again

'yes i did' i smile

'did you eat -'

'daniel, don't be so worried about me' i say as i look him in the eyes

'i feel like i need to' he responds

'why? you're not my boyfriend though'

'well not yet' he mumbled

'what?' i ask

'oh uh nothing' he says as he smiles

he knew that i heard him

'dork' i laugh into his chest

'i'm your dork' he kisses my head

'ew!' zach yells from the front

'zach mind your own business' i yell back

i get up to close the door. as i walk back, daniel embraces me in his protective arms

'i can get used to this' i mumble into his chest

'i can too' he smiles into my hair

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now