C H A P T E R 6

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—nova's pov—

i couldn't help but feel sad that daniel had ignored me. i got up as the door to the green room shut, as i felt around the dark backstage area i felt something cut my hand. i fell to the ground clenching my hand.

'nova you ok?' eben asked as he rushed over along with tyler

'i'll get something to wrap her hand with' tyler said as he ran to get a first aid kit

eben helped me up as we walked towards tyler, we met him halfway as he wrapped my hand up.

'thanks' i say as i wipe the tears from my face.

'eben can you help her to the bus?' tyler asked

eben nodded as we headed outside

'do you need to go to the hospital?' he asked as we reached the door of the bus

'i think i'll be fine, it was just a small cut on my hand' i say

'ok, call the boys or i if you need anything' he said as i sat in the back lounge

i give him a small smile, 'thank you eben'

he then walks out of the tour bus leaving me alone, i stare at my hand as i lean back. tears gently flow from my face as i clench my hand. i close my eyes as i feel my breathing starting to accelerate, my brain starts to race. i start to shake uncontrollably as i feel like everything is crashing down on me, i knew i was having an anxiety attack. i then heard a soft voice from behind the door.


—daniel's pov—

after the show ended, i walked into the green room as angry as ever.

'dude where's nova and eben?' jack asked as he plopped down on the couch

i stare at the ground as my jaw clenches

'i don't know dude, i haven't seen them in a while' corbyn whispers

the door slowly opens as i see a shadow sitting on a chair right infront of me. i slowly look up to meet eben's eyes

'what do you want?' i growl lowly

'i know you think there's something going on between nova and i' he breathes out

i slowly nod my head as i keep eye contact with him

'i just wanted to let you know, there's nothing going on between us. we're just friends, she's like a little sister to me daniel. nothing more' he continues
'then where is she?' i question

'she's sitting in the tour bus, she cut her hand earlier so we wrapped it up and brought her to the tour bus to relax' eben said as he looked into my eyes

'go check on her, she needs you' he continues, his facial expression softens

my shoulders relax so does my expression, 'sorry about that'

'it's cool, now go get your girl daniel' he smiles

i chuckle at his remark and head towards the tour bus making sure the fans don't see me. as i successfully reach the tour bus without being seen, i open the door and hear soft cries. it came from the back lounge, was nova in there? i carefully walk up to the door and knock.


the crying never ceases in fact, it gets worse. without hesitation, i quickly open the door to see nova hunched over while holding her hand. tears flow from her face as she starts hyperventilating. crap, she's having an anxiety attack.

'hey hey hey' i quietly say as i scoop her into my arms

i sit on the ground as i embrace her shaking body

'you're ok' i repeat over and over

her sobs slowly turn to soft sniffles, she buries her face deeper into my chest. i make small comforting circles on her back as she slowly calms down. she lays in my arms for a couple more minutes before she pulls away. i quickly wipe away the remaining tears from her eyes, i cup her face as she leans into my touch.

'thank you' she whispers, her voice quavering at the end

'you're welcome nova' i smile at her

she mirrors my expression as she sighs

'let me get you some water' i quietly say as i lift her back onto the seat and get up

she sniffles once more as she wipes her tear stained cheeks, i grab the water from the fridge and hand it to her. she takes tiny sips before setting it down. i look towards her injured hand and frown, her other hand slowly covers it.

'i-it's not that bad' she says

'but still nova, you got hurt' i say as i sit on the ground in front of her

'i know' her voice softens

'how?' i ask keeping my focus on her hand

she sighs as she shifts in her seat, 'after you numbed my shoulder and ignored me after your outfit change, i couldn't help but think that i did something wrong. i started getting overwhelmed by my emotions and needed some fresh air. so i got up and started feeling down the wall since it was dark and i must have pressed my hand up against something sharp. so that's how i got this'

'so i was the one who hurt you' i asked quietly

she didn't respond to my question

'nova, did i hurt you' i meet her sad eyes, tears threaten to spill from both of our eyes

'yeah daniel, you hurt me'

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now