C H A P T E R 12

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—nova's pov—

i lay under the stars, my body leaning on daniel's. his protective arms wrap around me and holds me close. i can hear his slow breathing and his heartbeat, i pull the hoodie closer to myself, making sure i'm warm. i look up at him and smile at him, he stares at me with his perfect eyes. he leans down and kisses me, once we draw away, i look up at the sky once again to see a shooting star. once it disappears, i hear him whisper something in my ear

'will you be my girlfriend?'

i slowly get up and look at him wide eyed, a smile plastered across his face, his eyes shine in the moonlight.

'yes, of course i will!' i exclaim wrapping my arms around his neck

his arms wrap around my body and holds me tightly

'i can finally call you mine' he says, his hot breath hits my neck

i smile into his neck as i feel him rubbing small circles on my shoulder.

'i love you' i say slowly

'i love you too star'

the little name warms my heart, remembering the times when dad called me


'my little star' he whispers before kissing my forehead

i feel my eyes grow heavy, and then suddenly, i fall asleep in his arms


i wake up to an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar bed. i turn my body to see daniel sleeping soundly next to me. i smile remembering the previous night, as i looked down i find our hands intertwined with one another.

i let go of his hand and push myself up to his face and kiss his cheek. his hand comes up and rests on my waist as he pulls me into his chest

'mhm good morning' he says, his voice a little raspy

'good morning' i reply snuggling into his body

'what time is it?' i mutter into his neck

'10 i think' he shrugs

'get up and check' i sternly day

'fine' he grunts before getting up to check the time on his phone

'it's 9:40, you happy' he asks as he plops down next to me

'yes' i smile sweetly before kissing his cheek

someone suddenly knocks on the bedroom door, daniel gets up and opens the door slowly

'oh hey mom' he smiles

'well food's ready kiddos, so come on out when you guys change' she says before walking off

he shuts the door and returns to my side once again

'i don't want to get up' he groans as he sinks into his many pillows

'well if you want to starve then be my guest' i sassily say before attempting to get up

'no don't leave me' he begs as he wraps an arm around my waist

'daniel i wanna eat' i whine

'no' he pouts as he pulls me further into the bed

after a couple minutes, i untangle from his strong grip and change into my jeans and one of his hoodies. i walk out as i finish tying my hair into a bun.

'good morning nova' keri smiles as she hugs me

'good morning mrs. seavey' i smile as well

'call me keri sweetheart' she laughs before returning to the kitchen

'good morning nova' jeff says

'good morning jeff' i say before taking my spot next to anna

'good morning nova' anna says as she sets down her phone

'good morning anna' i respond as we start a conversation

'where's daniel' keri asks as she sets down a plate full of pancakes and fruit

'i think he's changing' i reply

she nods before going to the fridge. daniel suddenly walks out of the bedroom and sits across the table from me and anna

'well good morning grumpy' anna giggles

'good morning' he mumbles

'why so grumpy' keri asks as she sits down with the syrup

'nova didn't want to cuddle with me' he pouts

'really?' i laugh

'yes really!' he throws his hands up in defense

'i did cuddle with you, but i got hungry' i laugh

he frowns as keri lightly slaps his shoulder

'let the girl eat if she's hungry, she can cuddle with you later' she laughs as well

'fine' he frowns

jeff takes a pancake and plops it on his plate, 'eat before the food gets cold'


after an hour of talking and laughing, i help wash and put away the dishes before returning to daniel's room to gather my stuff

'do you really have to leave?' daniel asks as he closed the door and hugs my waist

'yes i do daniel, i need to get some work done around the house while i'm waiting for my contract to go through

'and how long will that take?' he asks

'maybe 2-3 weeks' i say

'well that means we can spend another week together then' he replies before kissing my shoulder

'oh yeah you're going to tour europe' i frown turning in his arms

'aw don't frown baby' he caresses my cheek

'you're gonna be gone for so long' i whine

'it'll go by fast, i promise' he smiles kissing me

my phone dings signaling a notification, i pull out my phone and view the notification

'my uber's here, i'll talk to you later ok' i say squeezing his hand

'ok, but be safe ok?' he says sternly

'i will' i smile at him before grabbing my stuff and leaving

star ; daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now