Missing Again

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Jack's POV

"I'm so happy for you Uncle Remus" I say smiling. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I ask pouting up at him.

"I wanted it to be a surprise" he states.

"Well that failed" I tell him smirking. "Oh my letter arrived today, can you sign my permission form?" I ask. He nods his head and I hand it to him. He signs it smiling and hands it back to me.

I just sent off my reply letter and permission form to Professor McGonagall when the daily prophet arrived. Uncle Remus drops his mug of coffee when he sees the front page. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"Sirius Black has escaped Azkaban" he states.

"But that's suppose to be impossible" I say looking other his shoulder at the article. "Who do you think he's after?" I ask.

"I have an idea, but pray I'm wrong" he says and then turns to the next page. "Have you heard from Harry lately?" he asks.

"Yeah yesterday, Uncle Vernon's sister was coming over to stay for a week. So Hedwig is staying here for the week. I just pray Harry doesn't do anything stupid" I explain.

"Good" he says. Just then Uncle Severus steps out of the fireplace looking angry. "I knew you'd come Severus" Uncle Remus says.

"I've come to take Jack back, it's not safe here. With Black on the loose" he states.

"But I'm suppose to spend the week here" I say pouting. "Don't I get a say?" I ask.

"No" they say together.

"Jack go pack your stuff and don't forget Hedwig" Remus tells me.

"What's Potter's owl doing here?" Severus asks.

"Our uncle's sister is visiting them for a week, so I'm looking after Hedwig" I tell him. "Soren is on his way to Hogwarts. Uncle Remus please send him to me when he returns" I instruct.

"Of course, now go pack" he tells me. So I leave them to talk going to my room to pack. Once I had everything I carried it all downstairs. "Goodbye Jack, be-careful and don't do anything reckless" Uncle Remus tells me. We hug as Uncle Severus makes my stuff disappear. I then grab his hand and he apperates us to his house.

"Go unpack, lunch is in an hour" he tells me and I nod my head. I go upstairs to my room and unpack. I give Hedwig a few treats before sitting on my bed and begin to read Hogwarts a History. Hermione gave it to me, for my birthday.

(One week later)

It's been a long week, I haven't had a chance to go school shopping yet. Both Uncle Remus and Uncle Severus were busy preparing for the new year of teaching. And Tonks is busy trying to hunt down Sirius Black. It's not safe for me to go alone apparently. So I've just been reading the book Hermione had given me and rechecking my holiday homework.

"Jack, come down here" Uncle Severus calls. I sigh closing my book and head downstairs with Soren on my shoulder. Hedwig had gone out hunting and won't be back until morning. I enter the lounge to see Professor Dumbledore there with both my uncles.

"What's going on?" I ask as I sit in my chair.

"Harry has disappeared after blowing his aunt up like a balloon. The Minister is in the Leaky Cauldron waiting to see if he'll turn up there. But I want you to try find him with your link" Dumbledore explains.

"Sure thing, give me a second" I say crossing my legs and take a deep breath closing my eyes. I'm pulled to a different place, the knight bus. I recognize Stan Shunpike, from the times I've used the knight bus. I see Harry sitting on a bed.

"Right then Neville" Stan says clapping his hand looking at Harry. "Where's about in London?" he asks.

"Diagon Alley" Harry states and I smirk.

"Righto" Stan says. "Hold on tight" he tells him and they take off with a bang. I pull back to Spinner's end.

"He's on the Knight Bus on his way to Diagon Alley, so they'll drop him off at the Leaky Cauldron" I tell the three adults.

"Thank you Jack, I shall let the Minister know" Dumbledore says before nodding to my godfathers before disappearing.

"Jack go pack" Severus tells me.

"You're going to the Leaky Cauldron for the remainder of the holidays. The Weasleys will see you there when they get back from Egypt" Remus explains. I nod my head and head up to my room to pack everything. At least I'll finally be able to go shopping for my books. I won't need the Monster Book of Monsters as Hagrid gave Harry and I a copy each for our birthday. It's a very interesting book.


Picture above of the article about Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban.

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