Wolf, Snake, Cat and Phoenix (filler)

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Jack's POV

"Not even a day and I'm already seeing the headmaster" I mumble.

"Take a seat Jack" Uncle Remus tells me.

"Behave" Snape adds as I sit down. As the wolf, snake, cat and phoenix face me. I'm sorry, Uncle Remus, Snape, McGonagall and Dumbledore.

"Jack, we're here to discuss your Hogsmeade visits" McGonagall states.

"Uncle Remus signed my form and is one of my guardians. School rules says I can go" I tell them.

"Yes, this is true" Dumbledore states. "But there is a killer on the loose and maybe after Harry. He may come after you also" he states.

"Which is why we've come up with a solution to you going to Hogsmeade" McGonagall states. "You'll be accompanied by a professor at all times and the second Black appears to close. You will be banned from going into Hogsmeade" she explains.

"I'm thirteen, I don't need a babysitter" I grumble.

"You will have one or be banned from going to Hogsmeade right now" Snape tells me.

"We only want to ensure your safety Jack" Uncle Remus adds.

"I can still hang out with my friends right?" I ask.

"Of course" McGonagall assures me.

"Ok, but I have one condition" I tell them. Snape goes to protest but says nothing when Dumbledore gives him a look. "On the last Hogsmeade trip before Christmas break, my uncles don't babysit me. I need to buy presents" I state.

"Very well" Dumbledore says nodding his head. "Also keep your brother out of trouble, no doubt he'll try sneak into Hogsmeade. Make sure he doesn't" he tells me.

"Of course professor" I say smiling. Making a mental note to tell the twins to show and give Harry the map.

"We mean it Jack, Harry can't go to Hogsmeade" Uncle Remus tells me.

"He's form wasn't signed by a guardian and it'd be against school rules" McGonagall adds.

"I understand" I assure them. "Is there anything else?" I ask.

"Alert one of us, if you have anymore visions" Dumbledore states.

"If you see Black, don't take him on alone" Snape states.

"No going out after dark" McGonagall adds.

"Study hard" uncle Remus finishes.

"Will do" I say smiling. "Can I go to bed now? I'm tired and have class tomorrow" I remind them.

"Of course" McGonagall says smiling.

"I'll walk you back" Uncle Remus states. Snape bids me a goodnight and leaves with Dumbledore. "So how much of that are you going to follow?" he asks me.

"Most of it, unless something important comes up" I tell him smiling.

"You're just like your father" he tells me.

"I'll take that as a compliment, see you tomorrow at breakfast" I tell him before turning to the Fat-Lady. "Fortuna Major" I say and she opens up while Uncle Remus looks at me with a raised eyebrow.  "What? A prefect told me, good night" I tell him.

"Good night" he says and enter the the common room. I see a few people spotted around the room. But ignored them going to my room and say a new password. I enter and prepare for bed dropping my disguise. I crawl into be and fall asleep.

Jack Potter: Prisoner of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now