Shopping with Harry

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Jack's POV

I arrived at the Leaky Cauldron with Uncle Severus who checked me into room 12. Then told me to not visit muggle London and to return before dark each night. Before leaving and Tom lead me to my room, saying Harry was in room 11. I decided to say hey to Harry tomorrow, as it's late.

(Next day)

I woke up and got dress for the day before changing my appearance. I unlock the door and head to Harry's room and knock. He opened and smiled at seeing me. "You have a lot of explaining to do" I state. So I enter his room and he told me what happened with our none aunt 'aunt Marge'. "Sounds like she deserved it, now lets go shopping" I tell him.

"First stop Gringotts" he states as we link arms. We exit room to see a maid knocking on door 10.

"Housekeeping" she says. The door opens and something roars at her, before the door slams shut. "I'll come back later then" she mumbles before continuing down the hall. Harry and I look at each other shrugging.

"So have you done your homework?" I ask Harry as we walk through the dining area.

"Some of it" he states. "I could use some help though" he adds looking at me with pleading eyes.

"Sure, I'll help you" I assure him as I tap the wall with my wand. Diagon alley is revealed and we head to the bank. "Jack and Harry Potter, we wish to make a withdrawal" I tell a goblin. We showed him our key and an other goblin escorted us to our vault. We got a pouch of money each before leaving.

"We'll need new robes this year" Harry states and I nod my head. Once we reach Madame Malkin's she takes me to Severus' private room. She takes our measurements separately before we leave. We then get more potion ingredients, owl food, quills, ink and parchment. I put in a subscription for the Daily Prophet before we had lunch.

"It's a lovely day, why not study at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor" I suggest. He agreed and then asked if we could go to quality quidditch supplies. "Sure, I need more broom polish anyway" I state. "Why is it so crowded?" I ask aloud as we approached the shop.

"Last time I saw it this crowded, they had the Nimbus 2000 out" Harry states. We reach the window to see a Firebolt on display. "The Firebolt has an acceleration of 0–150 miles an hour in ten seconds and incorporates an unbreakable braking charm. Price on request" he reads aloud.

"Awesome, but our brooms have never let us down" I tell him. We enter the shop and I got my broom polish. But Harry had disappeared and I find him admiring the Firebolt. "Come on Harry, we have to get our books and robes" I state dragging him from the store.

"Hogwarts?" the shop keeper asks when we enter the bookstore and we nod our heads. "Move aside" he says and heads towards a cage.

"We already have those" Harry tells him and he seems to sigh in relief. He gets us our other books and we pay for them. Before leaving to collect our robes.

"Go get your books and we'll go get an ice-cream before doing your homework" I tell him as we reach the Leaky Cauldron.  He nods his head and we go to our separate rooms. I got some of my notes from my homework before meeting Harry in the hallway.

"Where's your homework?" he asks.

"Already done it, double checked it all and have even tripled checked some of it" I state. He looks at me shocked. "Don't give me that look, with my godfathers they made sure I did my drafts in the first week before letting me relax. You'll actually get to meet my other godfather this year. He's the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher" I explain.

"Is he better then the last two?" Harry asks.

"He's the best DADA I've ever had, just don't tell Snape I said that" I tell him. He chuckles as we take our seats. "Take a look at these and I'll go get us an ice-cream each" I state before going inside. "Hello Mr Fortescue, can I have twochocolate and raspberry flavored ice-creams one with chopped nuts and one without?" I ask and he nods his head. He makes them and I pay before taking them back to Harry.

"How come yours doesn't have nuts?" Harry asks confused.

"I'm allergic to nuts" I tell him. We eat our ice-creams discussing his homework. I checked the work he'd done and wrote some notes down before handing it back to him. Then helped him with his other work. Before we called it a day and returned to the Leaky Cauldron for dinner.


Picture above of the Firebolt in the window display case.

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