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Jack's POV

Gryffindors euphoria at finally winning the Quidditch Cup lasted at least a week. Even the weather seemed to be celebrating; as June approached. The days became cloudless and sultry. All any of us felt like doing was strolling onto the grounds and flopping down on the grass with several pints of iced pumpkin juice. Playing a casual game of Gobstones or watching the giant squid propel itself dreamily across the surface of the lake.

But we couldn't. Exams were nearly upon us, and instead of lazing around outside. We are forced to remain inside the castle, trying to bully our brains into concentrating while enticing wafts of summer air drifted in through the windows. Even Fred and George Weasley had been spotted working; they were about to take their O.W.L.s (Ordinary Wizarding Levels). Percy was getting ready to take his N.E.W.T.s (Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests), the highest qualification Hogwarts offered. He was becoming increasingly edgy, and gave very severe punishments to anybody who disturbed the quiet of the common room in the evenings. In fact, the only person who seemed more anxious than Percy was Hermione.

I was writing down my exam schedule with the other three. Harry and Ron had given up asking Hermione and I how we were managing to attend several classes at once. But they couldn't restrain themselves when they saw the exam schedule we had drawn up for ourselves. "Er -- are you sure you've copied down these times right?" Ron asks us cautiously. As Hermione was liable to explode when interrupted these days.

"What?" Hermione demands picking up the exam schedule and examining it. "Yes, of course I have" she tells him relaxing slightly. While I continue to read my text book.

"Is there any point asking how you both are going to sit for two exams at once?" Harry asks me.

"No" I tell him as I turn a page.

"Have either of you seen my copy of Numerology and Gramatica?" Hermione asks us.

"Sorry Hermione, I am reading it" I tell her.

"That's fine I'll read my transfiguration book instead and we'll swap later" she tells me. I nod my head and go back to the book. We all continue to study as exams start tomorrow. Hermione and I have Transfiguration & Arithmancy at nine in the morning. We'd go to Arithmancy first, before going back in time to take our transfiguration exam. Then at one we have Charms and Ancient Runes. We'd do Charms first before going back in time for Ancient Runes.

Tuesday Hermione and I had Muggle Studies in the morning and then had Potions in the afternoon. Where we had to brew Confusing Concoction. Snape, standing as he watched with an air of vindictive pleasure. But I managed to get mine to thicken unlike Harry.

Then came Astronomy at midnight, up on the tallest tower. History of Magic on Wednesday morning, in which I scribbled everything Florean Fortescue had ever told me about medieval witch-hunts. Wednesday afternoon meant Herbology, in the greenhouses under a baking-hot sun. Then back to the common room once more, with sun burnt necks, thinking longingly of this time next day, when it would all be over.

Our second to last exam, on Thursday morning, was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Professor Lupin had compiled the most unusual exam any of them had ever taken. A sort of obstacle course outside in the sun. Where they had to wade across a deep paddling pool containing a Grindylow, cross a series of potholes full of Red Caps, squish their way across a patch of marsh while ignoring misleading directions from a Hinkypunk, then climb into an old trunk and battle with a new Boggart.

We had to go in alphabetical order. So I go before Harry. I enter the pond and am grabbed by a grindylow. But I break free of it's grip and wade through the pond with no more trouble. I then cross the pot holes where I used a beautification potion on two red caps. To repel them. I went through the marsh ignoring the misleading hinkypunk. I arrive at the old trunk and climb in to face my boggart. It turns into a dead Harry and I have to remind myself that Harry is alive and waiting for me outside.

"Ridikulous" I say and Harry's robe turns into a dress. I chuckle and climb out of the trunk. I go over to Harry and hug him. "Be careful brother" I tell him and he nods his head. He takes his turn on the course.

"Are you ok Jack?" Remus asks me concerned.

"Yeah, just shaken from the boggart. It was Harry dead" I tell him sadly.

"I'm sorry Jack, but he's alive and will be alive for many years" he assures me. I smile and thank him before leaving to head for my Divination exam. I wish I had quit with Hermione. But the adults insist it'll help me with my dreams and visions. But I've been so busy with studying I have no been able to think about the visions of the grim or werewolf. However, I feel it'll happen soon.

For the exam I had to look into a crystal ball and tell Trelawney what I saw. When I looked into it I saw the same vision again. "Same vision of the grim and werewolf. Them fighting as I watch on with Harry, Ron and Hermione. It'll be happening soon" I tell her. She nods her head and lets me leave. I look up the lunar calendar to see it's a full moon tonight. It'd happen tonight, we are suppose to go see Hagrid as Buckbeak is to be executed tonight. I will protect Harry, no matter what. But who should I tell about this?

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