Dementor Train

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Jack's POV

Harry, Percy, Hermione, Ron and I got into a car with Mr Weasley. While the others went with Mrs Weasley. We reached the station and the ministry drivers got us all trolleys before leaving. "I think we should go through in pairs, I'll go first. Then Harry and Jack, the rest of you will follow" Mr Weasley instructs before going through the barrier. Harry and I look at each other before shrugging.

Once through I said goodbye to the others before going to find my godfather. While Mr Weasley took Harry to talk to him in private. I found my godfather resting in a compartment alone. I place my luggage beside his and put his coat back around him. I call Hermione, Harry and Ron in when they board the train.

"Who d'you reckon he is?" Ron asks us as we sat down and slid the door shut.

"Professor R. J. Lupin" Hermione states.

"You know everything" Ron complains. "How is it she knows everything?" he asks Harry and I.

"It's on his suitcase Ronald" I say pointing to it. He 'ohs' before Harry asks if the professor is really asleep. "Seems to be" I tell him shrugging.

Harry explained all about Mr. and Mrs. Wesley's argument last night. Then about the warning Mr. Weasley had just given him. When he'd finished, Ron looked thunderstruck, and Hermione had her hands over her mouth. While I had a mix of both. Hermione finally lowered them to say, "Sirius Black escaped to come after you? Oh,'ll have to be really, really careful. don't go looking for trouble, Harry..." she starts to say.

"I don't go looking for trouble, it usually finds me" Harry reminds her.

"Whatever happens, we're here for you Harry" I say smiling. "Now I have to go see the twins about the first prank of the year" I state. Before leaving the compartment. As I walked down the hallway I was pulled into a compartment and glare at the red head. That is Fred Weasley.

"Now we can get started on the meeting" George says smirking from beside Lee. I sit down with Fred beside me. "So any ideas?" he asks us.

"I honestly don't think we're going to be able to top the Dumbledore prank" Lee states.

"True, but it'll be fun to try" I say smirking.

"How about we change house colours on robes" Fred suggests.

"Yeah Slytherin to Hufflepuff and Gryffindor" George states.

"Or we could prank professor Snape" I tell them smirking.

"That'd be genius, but no one has been able to prank him and get away with it" Lee states.

"That's why I need to plan it very carefully and will need my brother's cloak" I state. "If everything goes right, there'll be nothing pointing it to us" I tell them. Before we could continue our planning the train stops suddenly and the lights go out. "Ow, is everyone ok?" I ask.

"Yeah" they groan and I'm suddenly pulled into a vision of Harry in danger. I grab my wand and run out of the compartment running for Harry's. Where I see a dementor and think quickly.

"Expecto Patronum!" I shout and my patronus drives it away off of the train. I run into the compartment over to Harry. "Harry wake up big brother" I say shaking him.

"He's fine Jack, just unconscious" Remus assures me. Harry wakes up and sits up slowly as Hermione gave him his glasses back. Ron asks him if he was ok while I hug him.

"Yeah" Harry says looking quickly toward the door. "What happened? Where's that — that thing? Who screamed?" he asks us.

"No one screamed Harry, I just shouted a spell though" I tell him.  Before he could ask another question, there was a loud snap that made us all jump. Uncle Remus was breaking an enormous slab of chocolate into pieces. He gave us each a piece. While I smile, he always had chocolate.

"Eat it. It'll help" he tells us giving Harry the biggest piece.

"What was that thing?" Harry asks him.

"A dementor" I reply while taking a bite of my chocolate.

"A dementor of Azkaban" Uncle Remus clarifies. "Eat, it'll help" he repeats to the trio. "I need to speak to the driver, excuse me" he adds before leaving.

"What was that spell?" Hermione asks me intrigued.

"The patronus charm, the only thing that can get rid of dementors" I state shrugging as I finish my chocolate. "Much better, ate you three" I tell them and they do so. They immediately start to look better.

"Are you sure you're ok Harry?" Hermione asks him anxiously.

"Yeah" I say just as worried about my big brother.

"I don't get it ... what happened?" Harry asks the other two.

"Well — that thing — the Dementor — stood there and looked around - I mean, I think it did, I couldn't see its face — and you — you — I thought you were having a fit or something" Ron states, who still looked scared. "You went sort of rigid and fell out of your seat and started twitching" he adds.

"Professor Lupin stepped over you, and walked toward the Dementor, and pulled out his wand" Hermione starts to explain. "And he said, 'None of us is hiding Sirius Black under our cloaks. Go.' But the Dementor didn't move. A bright light appeared outside the compartment and it drove the dementor away. Then Jack ran into the compartment" she finishes.

"Honestly Harry, you're going to give me a heart attack one day" I tell him jokingly.

"Sorry bro and thanks for saving me" he states.

"The least I could do for last year" I say shrugging.

"Did either of you two pass out?" he asks Hermione and Ron.

"No, but I felt weird though" Ron states. "Like I'd never be cheerful again" he explains. Just then Uncle Remus saying we'd reach Hogwarts in ten minutes. So we all change into our school robes. Once we reached Hogsmeade station I said goodbye to my uncle before following the trio to the carriages.

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