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Jack's POV

Harry has decided to sneak into Hogsmeade and I'm going with him. I need to get some ingredients for the polyjuice potion. Sure I could have the twins steal the ingredients, but that would be suspicious. So I'm going to buy them. So I was leading him to the one eye witch statue under his cloak. When we're grabbed by the Weasley twins.

"Clever Jack, Harry" Fred tells us smiling as he drags me.

"But never clever enough" George adds as he drags Harry. They pull us into an empty corridor and they pull the cloak off. George gives Harry the map.

"What's that supposed to be?" Harry asks them confused.

"The secret to their success" I tell him smiling.

"It's a wrench, giving it to you" George adds.

"But we decided last night, your need's greater than ours" Fred adds.

"What do we need with a bit of old parchment?" Harry asks.

"A bit of old parchment!" Fred and I exclaim offended.

"Explain George" I instruct.

"Well. . . when we were in our first year, Harry -- young, carefree, and innocent" George starts to explain. Harry and I snort, they were never innocent. One of the things I love about the twins. "Well, more innocent than we are now" he corrects. "We got into a spot of bother with Filch" he states.

"We let off a Dung-bomb in the corridor and it upset him for some reason" Fred adds.

"So naturally he took you to his office, threatening you" I say shrugging.

"Sure did" Fred says smirking.

"We couldn't help noticing a drawer in one of his filing cabinets marked 'Confiscated and Highly Dangerous'" George explains.

"You didn't" Harry says.

"Well, what would you've done?" Fred asks him. "George caused a diversion by dropping another Dungbomb, I whipped the drawer open, and grabbed -- this" he explains pointing to the blank map.

"We don't reckon Filch ever found out how to work it. He probably suspected what it was, though, or he wouldn't have confiscated it" George explains.

"And you know how to work it?" Harry asks them.

"They sure did and showed me how to work it also" I tell him smirking.

"This little beauty's taught us more than all the teachers in this school" Fred says patting the map fondly.

"You're winding me up" Harry accuses.

"Are we?" the twins ask him smirking. I take out my wand, touched the parchment lightly.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good" I state and remove my wand. Placing it back in my cloak pocket as the map reveals itself. Soon a map showing every detail of the Hogwarts castle and grounds.

"Hang on. This is Hogwarts! And that... No. Is that really..." he asks looking at Dumbledore pacing in his office.

"Sure is, he does that a lot" I tell him shrugging.

"Now there's seven secret passageways out of the castle. But we'd recommend..." Fred starts to explain.

"This one" he and George say pointing to the one eyed witch passage way. I had been taking Harry too.

"It'll lead us right into the cellar of Honeydukes" I tell Harry smiling.

"Don't forget to wipe it after you're finish using it" George tells us.

"Otherwise anyone can read it" Fred adds.

"Just tap it again and say, 'Mischief managed!' And it'll go blank" I explain.

"See you in Honeydukes" Fred tells me winking and leaves with George.

"Come on Harry and wipe the map. I know what to do" I tell my twin. He wipes it and follows me. We soon arrive at the statue and I take out my wand again. I tap the hump saying "Dissendium". At once, the statue's hump opened wide enough to admit a fairly thin person. I look around and climb in sliding down the stone slide. I reach the bottom and back away from it lighting my wand. Harry soon joins me lighting his wand also.

"Now what?" he asks me.

"We follow the tunnel" I tell him. I lead the way with him not far behind me. After what felt like an hour, the passage began to rise. We reach stone stairs and begin to climb them. I soon stop and Harry bump into me.

"Why'd you stop?" he asks me confused. I gesture upwards and he looks up seeing the trap door. "Oh" he says and I open it slowly. I see no one and we get out and replace the door. Before Harry covered us in his invisibility cloak. We go up the stairs into the shop.

We see Ron and Hermione looking at sweets. "I have to go find the twins" I tell him.

"But you'll be seen" he tells me and I smirk. I change my appears making myself look like Ron. "Whoa" he says surprised.

"Enjoy your day, meet you back here in a couple of hours" I tell him. I slip out from under the cloak and leave the shop. I find the twins and approach them.

"What do you want Ron?" George asks me confused.

"I thought you'd recognize me" I say pouting.

"Jack?" Fred asks shocked.

"I'm a metamorphmagus, remember" I tell them smirking. "Where's Lee?" I ask them.

"At the school, studying" George answers. So I make myself look like Lee. "Wow, that's cool" he says smirking.

"Comes in handy" I tell him winking. "Now I need to grab potion ingredients, then we can get a butter beer. I then have to return to the school with Harry" I tell them. They nod their heads and we set off. I got the stuff I needed and we go to the three broomsticks.

I spot Ron and Hermione sitting behind a Christmas tree with Harry under the table hidden. While on a table near them sat the minister, McGonagall, Hagrid, Flitwick and Rosmerta. The twins go get us a drink and I hear the end of the adults conversation. "Sirius Black was and remains today... Harry Potter's godfather" McGonagall tells Rosmerta.

Oh no, they were talking about Sirius and Harry heard every word. I go over to the trios table. I kneel beside the table returning to normal and sit beside Harry. "Oh Harry" I say wrapping an arm around him. "Let's go back to the castle, everything will be fine" I assure him. He nods his head numbly and I put the cloak around us. We sneak out and return to the castle alone.


Gif above of the marauders map.

I won't be updating this story again until after the new year.

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