Firebolt for Christmas

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Jack's POV

It's Christmas day and things have been heptic since the trip to Hogsmeade. Hagrid has kept his job, but now Buckbeak is on trail. Harry, Hermione, Ron and I have been researching old hippogriff cases in hopes of helping Hagrid. But so far no luck. So far the old hippogriff that got off of being executed, was because everyone was to afraid to go near it.

But today we can forget everything and just have fun. Open presents, have hot chocolate, have a snow ball fight and just be together. I wake to see a small pile of presents under my Christmas tree. Uncle Snape thought I deserved one in my room. It's not big, just four foot.

I sit down cross legged and start to open my presents. Starting with my Weasley jumper which is maroon with a golden J. I put it on and set the fudge aside. I continue to open presents. I thought I was finished as I'd gotten presents from everyone I know. But then I notice a long broom shape package behind the tree.

I frown in confusion as I pull it towards me. I unwrap it and my jaw drops. Someone had sent me a firebolt, a real firebolt. It hoovers in front of me as I run my hand along the handle. Just then there's a knock at my portrait door. "Yes?" I call.

"It's Hermione, I'm going to Ron and Harry's room. Do you want to come?" she asks.

"Sure" I say and get up. I leave my room to see her holding Crookshanks. "You know Ron isn't a fan of Crookshanks" I tell her as we head downstairs to the common room.

"Well he'll have to put up with it, it's Christmas and Crookshanks is staying with me. This is our first Christmas together" she tells me. I nod my head and we go up to the boy dorms.

"Don't bring him in here!" Ron shouts snatching up Scabbers and placing him in his pocket. As soon as we enter the room with Crookshanks. Hermione dropped Crookshanks onto Seamus's empty bed. As we both stare, open-mouthed, at the Firebolt in front of Harry.

"You got one two? Do you know who sent it to you?" I ask my brother.

"No idea, we were just brainstorming people" he tells me. "You have one to?" he asks and I nod my head. Hermione did not appear either excited or intrigued by the news like Ron and Harry. On the contrary, her face fell, and she bit her lip.

"What's the matter with you?" Ron asks her.

"I don't know" she says slowly. "But it's a bit odd, isn't it? I mean, this is supposed to be quite a good broom, isn't it?" she asks us.

"Hermione it's the fastest broomstick in the world" I tell her. "Harry we have to race" I tell him and he nods his head in agreement.

"Listen, Harry, can I have a go on it? Can I? After the race" Ron asks Harry.

"I don't think anyone should ride that broom just yet! Or Jack's" Hermione says shrilly. We all looked at her confused.

"What do you expect us to do with them Hermione?" I ask her.

"Sweep the floor with them?" Ron suggests and I chuckle. But before Hermione could answer, Crookshanks sprang from Seamus's bed, right at Ron's chest. "GET -- HIM -- OUT -- OF -- HERE!" Ron shouts throwing him off. I grab him and hand him to Hermione.

"We'd better take Crookshanks and leave, Hermione" I tell her. She agrees and we leave the room together. "I'm gonna go change, I'll meet you back here and we'll go to breakfast together" I tell her. I go up to my room and changer before putting back on my Weasley jumper.

I meet Hermione in the common room. As we head to the great hall she told me how she shut Crookshanks in her dorm. After breakfast we went outside with and I threw a snowball at her. We had a snow ball fight, that I won. We returned to the castle and had warm showers, before putting on dry clothes for lunch.

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