Scabbers' is Alive!

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Jack's POV

I didn't get to tell anyone. As Harry and the others dragged me to see Hagrid. Buckbeak was outside in the pumpkin patch chained up. "Look at him. Loves the smell of the trees when the wind blows through them" Hagrid says admiringly. As the four of us have tea.

"Why not just set him free?" I ask him.

"They'd know it was me, and then Dumbledore... would get into trouble" he states. "He's coming down, Dumbledore. Says he wants to be with me when they... When it happens. Great man, Dumbledore" he tells us.

"That he is" I say nodding my head in agreement.

"We'll stay to Hagrid" Hermione tells him.

"You'll do no such thing! Think I want you seeing something like that? No, you just drink your tea and be off" he tells us. "Oh. Before you do, Ron" he says and takes something out of a jar. It was Scabbers, Ron's thought to be dead rat.

"Scabbers, you're alive!" Ron cheers as he takes him from Hagrid. Scabbers looked dreadful. He was thinner than ever, large tufts of hair had fallen out leaving wide bald patches. He writhed in Ron's hands as though desperate to free himself. "It's ok, Scabbers. No cats! There's nothing here to hurt you" he assures the rat.

"Keep a closer eye on your pets, Ron" Hagrid tells him.

"I think you owe someone an apology" Hermione tells Ron.

"Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know" Ron states sarcastically.

"I meant me!" Hermione snaps. Suddenly a vase broke and I look at it confused. Hermione picks up the pebble looking at it.

"Ouch!" Harry says rubbing his head looking out the window. "Hagrid" he says and we all look to see Fudge approaching. With Dumbledore and the executioner.

"It's late. It's nearly dark. You four shouldn't be here. Someone sees you outside the castle at this time of night, you'll be in trouble. Big trouble. Particularly you two, Harry and Jack" Hagrid tells us. We head for the back door as someone knocks on the front door. "Be with you in a moment!" Hagrid yells and gestures for us to leave.

We quietly snuck out the back door and hide behind the giant pumpkins. We started up the sloping lawn toward the castle. The sun was sinking fast now; the sky had turned to a clear, purple-tinged gray, but to the west there was a ruby-red glow. It is nearly time for the grim to appear. I grip my wand tightly in my pocket ready to strike.

Scabbers was squealing wildly, but not loudly enough to cover up the sounds drifting from Hagrid's garden. There was a jumble of indistinct male voices, a silence. And then, without warning, the unmistakable swish and thud of an axe. Hermione sways on the spot and I let go of my wand to steady her.

"OUCH! He bit me!" Ron exclaims dropping Scabbers. He runs after the rat and we run after him. Ron dived and caught Scabbers. He sits up in front of the Whomping Willow.

"Harry, you do realize what tree this is" Hermione and I say together.

"That's not good. Ron, run!" Harry yells. But Ron was looking behind us in horror.

"Harry, Hermione, Jack run! It's the Grim!" he shouts pointing behind us. We turn to see the grim growling at us. He starts to race towards us barking madly. I go for my wand. But I was too late. The dog had made an enormous leap and the front paws hit my chest. I fall over and he continues heading straight for Ron as Harry helps me up.

The dog grabs his ankle and starts to drag him towards the Willow. "Help!" he cries. We rush to help and the tree knocks us away. As Ron and the dog disappear under the roots with Scabbers.

"Harry, Jack we've got to go for help" Hermione tells us.

"No! That thing's big enough to eat him; we haven't got time" Harry tells her.

"Harry -- we're never going to get through without help" Hermione tells him.

"If that dog can get through, we can" Harry states and I remember we have magic. I draw my wand and point it at the tree.

"Immobulous" I say and the tree freezes. The other two looked at me surprised. "Don't just stand there, it won't be frozen forever" I tell them. I walk to the try and see a hole at the base. "See you down there" I tell them and go down first. It was like a slide.

Once I reach the bottom I move out of the way just in time for Harry to appear. He goes to move and Hermione lands on him. Making me chuckle as I light my wand. "Sorry" Hermione tells him as they get up.

"Don't worry about it" Harry tells her as he lights his wand. Hermione does the same with her's.

"Where do you suppose this goes?" Hermione asks us.

"Don't know, I have a hunch though" I tell her.

"Me too, I just hope I'm wrong" Harry adds. We start to head down the tunnel, me leading the way and Hermione bringing up to rear with Harry in the middle.  On and on went the passage; it felt at least as long as the one to Honeydukes.

Then the tunnel began to rise; moments later it twisted. Ahead I could see a patch of dim light through a small opening. We paused, gasping for breath, edging forward. Our wands raised to see what lay beyond.

It was a room, a very disordered, dusty room. Paper was peeling from the walls; there were stains all over the floor. Every piece of furniture was broken as though somebody had smashed it. The windows were all boarded up. "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asks us and we nod our heads. We hear a groan in pain and go up the stairs wands at the ready.


Picture above of Scabbers and picture on the external link of Buckbeak.

Future Chapters:

The Grim is a Murderer

All Secrets Revealed

Full Moon

Going Home

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