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The story starts when Om realizes his mistake for doubting Gauri of having an illictal relationship with some Arjun but it was too late and she goes from there and Om falls on his knees and suddenly a speeding car came infront of him but to his shock he was pushed by someone and the person falls down bleeding profusely
Om who was lying on the other side was losing his consciousness
Om’s p.o.v
After I accused Gauri I felt stabbing myself and when she confessed her love for me I realized my love but it was too late and I saw a speeding car coming towards me but I was pushed by someone but my head collide with a stone and I was losing my consciousness but I saw many people running towards me and suddenly darkness consumes me
After a few hours
I open my eyes slowly and looks around and it was not the same place and I was in a bed and above was a fan and when I look around I saw a nurse calling out for Doctor and I realized that I was in hospital and I saw the doctor come in
Doctor:How are you?
Om:I am fine Doctor but how did I come here?
Doctor:Mr. you had an accident and some people brought you here along with another girl and its been a few minutes only you have only a slight wound on your head but the girl is in serious condition
I was shocked as well as confused about the identity of the girl
Before a few hours in Oberoi Mansion
Rudr’s p.o.v
O God you are so great. I have met the donkey and so-calld husband of my Bhavya
Rudr was drinking along with his friends in a bar and he saw Bhavya’s husband trying to stand on his own
I was first angry but still I go and hold him when he was going to fall
Veer:Thank you bro!
Rudr:It is true that after marriage everyone will spend nights at bar but why did you come so early?
Veer:marriage? Whose?
Idiot he doesn’t even remember snatching my love from my life
Rudr:Don’t you remember marrying ACP Bhavya Pratap Rathore?
He just left a laugh and I badly wanted to throw him at any cliff end
Veer:I was going to marry her but her lover came and say something and she stopped the marriage.
I was shocked but still I was trying to be happy as well as scared because he was drunk
Rudr:Her lover? Who?
Veer:One Rudr Singh Oberoi
I gets shocked
Rudr:What the hell are you saying?
He push me
Veer:Rudr Singh Oberoi he had hurted her so much with his childishness and when she try to make him understand her feelings he again spoil it and hurt such a good girl
I just felt like crying
Veer:I was going to marry Bhavya but her lover Rudr Singh Oberoi came and say a speech and she stop the marriage but she gets me married to my best friend and we are now a happy couple
Rudr:then why were you drunk?
Veer:It is because of stupid party and now beautiful wife will take the avatar of a ghost.
I cannot surpress the laugh which was coming from m mouth and when it died down I drop him in his house and went to Oberoi Mansion and Bhavya had been invited for today
I enter the Oberoi Mansion and goes towards Bhavya’s room I was angry as well as happy at the same time
When I reach near the door I could feel some one sniffing and I was shocked as well as worried so I entered the room and close it and the room was full of darkness
I feel someone crying and puts the lights on and see Bhavya sitting near bed and crying sitting on the floor and I was shocked and rushes to her and I see her eyes swollen due to continus crying and I go and sit near her and she suddenly hugs me so I rub on her back to make her calm down
Rudr:What happened? Why are you crying?
She pass me a photo frame and I was hell shocked to see her and Chulbhul bhabhi’s pic but it was not the same bhabhi whom I know she had little make up and looked young and her hair was curled
Bhavya:She is my sister but she doesn’t remember me!
I was again shocked Sister?!!!
Rudr:Sister? If she is your sister then how did she forget you?
Bhavya:She had went to Shimla two years before and it was her death news which reached but they said that they couldn’t find her body and few months back I got the mission of Obeoroi’s and when I saw your family data I was shocked to find Ri’s photo but when I searched about her .her life history was really a mistery many said about her childhood but it only seems like a story and when I met her she also acted new and she was like an illiterate and village girl and even during all hard times she remained like that so I conclude that she was not my sister but I found this photo [showing AniRi’s childhood photo] from her bag and she is my long lost sister so I came to know that Gauri bhabhi is actually my sister but when I searched about her using my sources I came to know about this
She handed me a medical report and it says that Chulbhul Bhabhi has Amnesia
Bhavya:She was told by someone that she was illiterate and made her a new Gauri
She starts weeping more and leans on me and I was really dumb to do anything but when I see her she was sleeping so put her in bed and ran from there to the only place where I can clear my mind my Shivaay bhaiyya’s room
Shivaay’s p.o.v
Today was really a hectic day and I had to go through two presentations and now I need to check the tender of a new project if Anika bring some new prolem then I could have fought ith her and get refreshed and then I see my little brother Rudy coming inside and he was worried and give me a bone breaking hug and that hug had made me feel that how much worried he was
Shivaay:What happened Rudy? Why are you so worried?
Then he narrated about the story behind Gauri and Bhavya and as soon as he finish I was also worried because they both were like Priyanku to me and about Gauri she was the person who brought my Om back through thick and thins
I rushed to Bhavya’s room and saw her sitting in her couch crying so I embraced her to calm her but soon we heard a large cry from the hall so we all rushes there to hall and I saw Badi maa crying leaning on Dadi and all sitting near her enquiring
Jhanvi:Om got an accident and he is in hospital
We all were shocked and rushes to hospital even though I hesistate to take Dadi she didn’t bulge and we all reached the hospital in half an hour
We all rushed to Om’s room

Om’s p.o.v
I was been lying in this room for a few minutes then I saw my family except Mr. Oberoi coming like I have been under terrorist attck. it was my brothers who first keep me in their embrace and I felt relieved
Om:Guys I am perfect
Shivaay:Shut up! What happened?
I reminisces what I had done to Gauri and it was enough for my eyes to tear up
Rudr:O, Why are you crying? Do you know what I have found out today?
I saw him and smiles weakily, he had sensed my sadness and wanted to cheer me up
Rudr:Bhavya and Chulbhul bhabhi are sisters!
I can see the shocked face of all except Shivaay,Rudr and Bhavya
Jhanvi:What are you saying?
I also had the same doubt but Bhavya said how Gauri got an accident and she gets memory loss
Dadi:But where is she?
All looks at me and I wanted to cry loudly but it was interrupted by Doctor.
Shivaay:Doctor How is my brother?
Doctor:He is perfectly fine but the girl brought with him is in a critical state and we are losing hope
Doctor went from there and all looks at me
Jhanvi:Which girl?
Om:I also don’t know but when the speeding car came towards me I think she push me aside
Shivaay:so it means that she got hit instead of you
That’s when my senses start working that girl saved my life and I was lying here idly thinking about myself then how I come this much selfish
Om:Shivaay I need to see the girl she just saved my life
Shivaay was stopping me but then Dadi interrupts
Dadi:Not only you but we all need to see her now because of her only you are alive now
We all nod and went to the girl
But I don’t know why I was feeling pain is it because Gauri left me? Or because of some girl in hospital because of me? But my Gauri didn’t leave me I will bring her back
We all head to the room and all my hell breaks when I saw the person lying in the bed
Not only me but my whole family was broken
It was my GAURI who saved my life
But no words came out of my mouth only tears ran down my cheeks
We all were called to Doctor’s cabin and he said that not only one but he needs the whole family to be present there
I was taken or dragged to the Doctor’s cabin and I could see my family weeping except Shivaay
Shivaay:There is nothing to worry she is a strong girl!
I can understand the sadness in his voice
In Doctor’s cabin
Dadi:Doctor how is my bahu?
Doctor:The hit was really hard that her bone has broken and is there any other medical history for her
Bhavya suddenly hands over Doctor some document but I was reminiscing her crying face it would have been good if I had seen her smiling face rather than her crying because it was making me more vulnerable but it was because of me she was crying
Doctor:This is it! She had a head injury before and now the accident had caused the stitch to open so the chances of Brain infection is high and her blood is continuously flowing we are not able to do anything and we are out the blood group as it is rare
Shivaay:Which blood group?
I was in a daze. No no no I cant let anything happen to my Gauri
Anika:my blood group is also same!

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