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Rather than people congratulating Shivaay, guests were congratulating for such a good song and singer
Gauri who had came down from the stage joined AniShivOmRu, Jhanvi and Dadi who were looking at her in awe
Their glance was broken by Mrs.Dixit
Mrs.Dixit[in English]:Jhanvi, you didn't tell me you had such a night gale in your house
Oberoi's looks at her in surprise as they didn't had acknowledge her presence
Oberoi's fake a smile at her
Mr.Dixit[in English]:May I have a few words with her?
Gauri[in English accent]:Sure, it would be my pleasure to have a talk with you.
Oberoi's eyes wide as she took Gauri with her
They both stood a little away and talk and after a few mintues a boy around his 20's also joined them while Dadi and Jhanvi left to see the other guests
At Pool side
AniShivOmRu were sitting when Gauri joined them
Rudr:How do you know English?
Gauri:As everyone I studied from school!
AniShivOmRu remembers Gauri saying "mera naam hai Gauri Kumari Sarma paanchvi paas"
At night
Om was going to sleep when he was stopped by Jhanvi
Om:What happened, mom?
Jhanvi[little worried]: Om, I need you to take care of something!
Om was shocked hearing the worriedness in the voice of Jhanvi
Om:Mom, are you Okay?
Jhanvi:Tej is shouting so much as there was a great loss...
Before she could complete they all heard a shout from hall
All goes to hall where a furious man was standing
Tej:Mr.Mukund, how come you here?
Mukund:Because today I need answers to my questions.
Shivaay:What questions?
Mukund:The money which I had invested in the Oberoi shares has been deteriorated.
Oberoi's except Tej gets shocked
Tej:We had found an principle for your problem. Now please be kind enough not to shout inside my house.
Mukund nods and goes from there
Shivaay:If we doesn't find any principle then our share market may fail
Inside Shivika's room
Shivaay had tried many ways but of no use and AniOmRu were trying to calm him down
Shivaay again throws his phone
Next day evening in Oberoi Dining table
Shivaay came back beaming and all looks at him surprised
Tej:What happened Shivaay?
Shivaay:Mr.Mukund is very happy and instead of quarter share he had given as half of the share
All gets happy hearing it
Pinky:I knew it Shivaay! My son is really a gem!
Shivaay:The real gem is not me but Gauri!
All gets shocked hearing it
Gauri who was going to enter Shivaay's room heard the deal about Mr.Mukund and talked to the investors using the phone which Shivaay had thrown and they agreed to the deal and Mr.Mukund approved the deal the next day and Shivaay gets hell shocked hearing that it was Gauri's idea
Flashback ends
All looks at Gauri shocked who was eating food as it was not a big deal
Pinky gets irritated hearing Shivaay praising Gauri of her abilities but Om felt somewhat sad that Gauri was taking pressure but to his surprise he felt a hand entwined with his under the table and smiles seeing Gauri's hand
Tej:But how do you know about business?
Shivaay:Yes, have you ever learned business?
Before Gauri could reply it was Pinky who taunted her
Pinky:What is there about business, she may have used her village brain.
Gauri just smiles while others except Tej felt bad
Rudr:Leave it Chulbhul bhabhi you just say how did you learn business?
Gauri:Rudy bhaiyya, I graduated from Harvard University with gold medal in MBA
Om chokes his food while others eyes were like it would come out of socket
Tej:You are a MBA gold medalist from Harvard university!!
Shivaay:How much was your percentage?
Shivaay[shocked]:Even I had only 96%.
In OmRi's room
Om was going to sleep when his phone rings and he picks the call
Caller:Hi Omkara its me Svetlana!
Om got angry hearing her name
Om was going to shout when Svetlana cuts him off
Svetlana:I just call to congratulate Gauri to have a awesome husband who had an awesome past
Om angrily cuts his phone but his mind replay's the words as his past came in front of him but unknown to him Gauri had heard what the unknown person had said, Omkara Singh Oberoi's past is not a new thing to her because he was her first ever crush who made her blush even in her dreams like hell. His drug addiction which was due to his parents broken marriage, his girlfriend Riddhima who cheated him and even she knew his obsession to his hair
Her chain of thoughts was broken by a voice
Om[murmuring]:I don't deserve her!
Gauri gets shocked still trying to understand that Om gives more priority to her rather than his love and smiles understanding that now it was time for her to express her love but his thoughts were broken by Om going away and she was worried about where he was going
Gauri followed Om who was aimlessely walking and at last when he heard her shouting his name was when they both reached middle of a road at evening
Gauri runs to him and both had tears in their eyes and Gauri gets shocked as her dream replays in her mind and smiles
Om:I LOVE YOU but I don't deserve you, I had the worst past truth. The truth is...
Gauri puts her fingers on his lips and smiles
Gauri:Are you sure that the truth will make me hate you?
Om bends his head and nods
Gauri:Then why can't you let the past lie go?
Om:Because your love for me is of that lie!
Gauri:No I didn't love the Om whom I doesn't even remember but I love the Om whose eyes showed only love for me. I LOVE YOU!
Om:But Gauri...
Gauri makes him stop by smashing her lips on his and Om gets shocked but before he could reciprocate they get detached
Om smiles and hugs her
Om:But you should know everything!
Gauri smiles and looks at his eyes
Gauri:You can tell me but don't say it in a go. Say the happy parts as well as sad parts because I have right on your whole emotions
Om looks at her surprised before hugging her again and they both return to Oberoi Mansion
In Rikara's room
Gauri was wiping water from her hair looking at the mirror when she felt a pair of strong hands on her waist and smiles seeing Om
Om puts his chin on her shoulder and Gauri turns and looks at him
Gauri:What are you thinking?
Om:Why do you love me?
Gauri smiles andsnake her hand around his neck
Gauri:You know one thing there is something which I love more than you in this world about you?
Om[with a teasing smile]:What?
Gauri:Your hair and your art.
Gauri rubs her nose with his and both smiles
Their moment was broken by the barging of ShivRu breaking into the room and OmRi moves back shocked and becomes red
Gauri[stammering]:I...I think I have to go
Gauri first goes to the opposite direction and then goes out of the room and as soon as Gauri goes out of the room. ShivRu gives a teasing smile to Om
Rudr:What happened, O? Something is happening here?!
Om[flustered as well as irritated]:Shut up Rudr!
ShivRu giggles hearing it and all three settle in Shivaay's room dipping their legs in the pool water
ShivRu feels happy seeing the happy face of Om
Shivaay:Om, you look so happy and different!
Rudr nods approving Shivaay while Om's smile just grew wider
Om:Yes, with her I feelt many emotions. I was always scared of my past but she says that she wants to be with me in my present and future only and there was no past in between us. For the last few months we really had a character exchange. I was like her and she was like me, we was always talking to each other so much but I was the one who always express my feelings. I just feel like I am in love. I don't know Shivaay if she leave me or anything like that happen I wont be alive.
ShivRu hugged Om to stop him saying anything further because they had seen the face of Om turning from happiness to emotional and at last sad and fear which clearly showed his insecurities
They both seperated a while after Om cried a little
Rudr:Its true he is talking a little too much now
Om playfully hits on Rudr's hand making him pout and all three laughs their heart out
At Night
Gauri was shown in one Patiala and younger than now and her eyes were teary and face a misery and tight slap falls on her cheek from an unknown person
Person[angrily]:How many times I have to tell you to not to put your hands on this thing because of it no one can have some peace
Gauri:Its not because of my guitar you all don't have peace.
This makes the person angrier and earns Gauri another slap

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