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Rudr's p.o.v

25 guards for a single person. Am I that much worth?. It was all good. They followed me everywhere my gym, room, game room etc and it was already afternoon and I haven't seen Ri-Ri or anyone. 'Let me go and see them' I thought. I was going to move out of the room when two of the gurads blocked me and factually I was shocked. 'I need to go' I told them to which they didn't even pay heeds. 'Sir, you are not allowded to go out!' one of the guard said. I sat in my bed looking at the phone but it was snatched from me suddenly. 'Hey, what?' I asked angrily. 'Your phone is always under our surveillance' He said and passed me the phone.

'Ru-Ru' I heard Ri's voice but it was sounding like she was pissed off from everything. 'We both look at each other with glassy eyes. I need my brothers!

'We both need to go!' she said to the guards. 'Where?' came the answer from Svetlana but she was supposed to be with Soumya and Daksh. 'That's none of your business!' Ri spitted. 'Really?' she asked coming closer to us and the smell of alcohol becoming higher. 'No, we were just going to hang out in the garden' I tried to cheer up my voice but failed miserably because I was sweating under the gaze of both of them. 'Who gave you the permission?' she asked and signed to bodyguards to go away. 'Well, because I am fed up of this psycho family' Ri shouted at her. 'You!!' she pulls both the cheeks of Ri between her thumbs making her whimper in pain. I tried to stop her by holding her hand and begging her to stop but she just pushed me causing my head to collide with the desk. She beat Ri and went away. 'Rudy bhaiyya' Ri called me and helped me to stand up.

'What is that?' I asked Ri-Ri pointing at a bunch of keys. She stared aat it for a few minutes before smiling widely. 'This is Daksh's secret room's key and I am sure that he may have put the video of papa ji there' she said in a breathe. 'Rudy bhaiyya if we ever try to escape and get caught I need you to do something for escaping' Ri-Ri said before we go to meet my brothers but the plan made me die a thousand deaths because of fear.

Om's p.o.v

'Guys, Gauri and Rudy called and told us that they need to meet us urgently' he said. We all were confused but still went from there.

'What happened? Why did you both call us?' we asked as soon as we entered. They both turn towards us and we got shocked seeing the purple lips of Gauri and a wound in Rudy's head. 'What happened?' Shivaay asked and in response Gauri enfolded me and Rudy hugged Shivaay and started crying. 'We can't stay here!' Rudy cried. 'Svetlana beat both of us today' Gauri said and it made me furious. 'How Dare she!' I am really going to make her pay for this. 'But we got this!' Rudr separated from Shivaay and showed us a bunch of keys. 'What's it?' Bhavya asked. 'It's Daksh's secret room's key' Gauri said. 'We need to check there' Bhavya said.

It was a secret passage and we needed to follow Gauri. 'Here we come!' she said opening a door to a dark room. 'Find the switch and put on the light!' Shivaay said. This is the correct moment! 'Om, what are you doing?' asked a perplexed Gauri when I took her to a corner.

I touch the bruise in her face and she winced in pain. 'Is it so paining?' I asked her. 'Why did Svetlana beat you?' I asked her in anger. 'I got a little rebellious and become Dabangg Gauri!' she said with a smile and pecked my lips. That I was going to deepen the kiss but my as always enemy of romance Rudy put the lights.

'What the!!' I was filled with rage when I saw that the whole room was filled with Gauri's pictures. 'Can you control your jealous horns?' Rudy whispered to me with a smirk.

'Here is a locker' Anika bhabhi showed a locked behind one of her pictures. 'But it is password locked' I said seeing the lock structure.

GAURI. Shivaay typed slowly after a few minutes silence and locker opened. I really need to kill someone now!

'Gauri, one second' I called her and took her to the other end of the room or maybe away from the eyes of my family. 'What hap..' I didn't let her complete before slamming my lips on hers. We kissed until we both were breathless. 'I love you!' she told me.

'What's happening?' I asked Shivaay and in response he started playing the video.


Dadi,Choti maa, Chote papa, Mr.Oberoi and Mom along with another person arguing.

'Whatever happened is happened!' Mr.Oberoi shouts. '1000's of lives were burned down in Kalyani mills because of you, all' the man says. 'No one will know this truth never and ever' Mr.Oberoi shouts angrily

'But tej...' Mom was going to say something. 'We couldn't let the world know that it was our friend who did that and we weren't even able to do anything!' Mr. Oberoi said with sadness and took a deep sigh. 'It was our fault that we took him as our business partner' Chote papa said.

'I am sure that in the future the world will know the truth of Kalyani mills and our innocence' Mr.Oberoi said.

Video ends

We all were dumbfounded! 'Rudr, Gauri I will inform you guys the time day after tomorrow how we all will escape!' Shivaay said. Gauri and Rudy smiled with a big amount of hope in their eyes.

'We need to contact Khanna and we will escape from here' Shivaay said. We quickly move away and acted like working after we heard someone entering the kitchen.

A man with many tattoos, long beard and hair along with some beads on it and all the traits of a gangster entered the kitchen and sat on the table. He looks around the kitchen and Shivaay signed us to act normally.

'Bhaiy...' the voice of Rudy trailed off after he saw the stranger in the room. 'Hi, Mr.Rudr Singh Oberoi!' he said and signed Rudy to sit which he did. 'Who are you?' Rudy asked him and in reply he chuckles. 'Gauri knows me better than you!' he replied. 'Are you Gauri's friend?' Rudy asked confused.
'I was the one who hit her car and made her fall from the cliff 2 years ago' he said with a smirk which made us all agape. He took some powder and smells it. 'Drugs!' Bhavya whispered. Anika Bhabhi leans towards Shivaay in fear. Suddenly some blood flow from his nose. 'Blood!' Rudr whispered in fear as well as shock.

'Geez! Sunny what the hell is happening here?' asked a voice too familiar and I turn and saw Gauri. 'Get yourself cleaned!' she told the man and passed him a few tissues but all the while her face showed disgust. 'Gauri, how can you talk to someone who tried to kill you?''Anika Bhabhi asked to Gauri. 'Sisterly care?' the man asked. 'Well Hello Oberoi's!!' the man said with a smirk wiping away blood from his nose and putting it in dust bin but we all were hell shocked.

'Shivaay, your plan is really waste!' he said to Shivaay who raised an eye brow at him. 'All the phone calls going from this house will be tapped so if you call your Khanna then it will cost all of your life' he said. 'Then what is the way?!' I asked him.

'I don't know. Daksh is like a spider web once you get trapped then you could never easily escape and for instance Omkara you can see the struggles of your wife itself!' he said pointing towards Gauri. 'Anyways I am going. It was good to see all of you' he said and starts to go away. 'And Shivaay please keep this' he said and kept a phone in Shivaay's hand. 'Sometimes I become slave for certain persons and once the order for this slave was to kill your sister Gauri and the next time if I get that order I fear of she will survive that' he said with warning and I felt my hand fist. 'I hope you don't do that because if anything happens to my sister then I fear if you will be left!' Shivaay said and we all glare at him.
He again took some drugs from his pocket when Gauri snatched it and throw away making him growl. 'Get the hell out of here!' she said with anger and went away from there.

'She doesn't like me using drugs because I have to take care of my sister' he said with a sad smile and went from there. I really am lucky to have a girl who has a golden heart!

'Om!' I wake up with a startle hearing the voice. There stood a scared Gauri and Rudr! 'What happened?' Shivaay asked. 'Daksh came to know everything!' Gauri said and dragged all of us from there. We all were running for our dear lives when we all were surrounded by guards.

Daksh came clapping and a rage filled face. 'How dare you Omkara even think that you can have Gauri!' he asked. 'Because I love her and she loves me!' I had enough of his madness. Even if I die I need to fight back!

It was a great sight because our death was merely in front of us in form of more than a hundred bodyguards!

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