Chapter 3

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Midoriya was holding a pillow and writing in his hero booklet. The reason he was a 'nerd' wasn't because he was fond of maths or science, more for quirks. Being quirkless meant they seemed even more interesting to him in ways none of his classmates, especially Bakugou, would understand. He sighed happily, thinking of the ash blonde male and their earlier encounter. They had kissed! Midoriya knew how childish it was, but he squeaked anyway and hugged his pillow close to him. It had felt quite nice if he were honest, even if a little forced.
'Bakugou had seemed surprised that he was actually kissing me, maybe even more so than I was.' He thought, looking at the ceiling until his phone went off in his pocket.
'Hey loser, I need more notes since I lost my other one walking back home. Drop one off at my house.' The message read. Now that he didn't have the pressure on his back and jelly legs, Midoriya wrote the note quickly and stumbled down the stairs, walking past about two houses before he reached Bakugou's. He walked to the door and knocked on, only to feel his wrist get pulled into the house and the door slamming shut behind him. He held the note out to Bakugou, who took it and put it on the desk beside him, merely shrugging it off. That struck Midoriya as peculiar, but he said nothing as he turned to leave.
He couldn't.
His front was pressed firmly against the wall as a force held his hands to his side. "What's the hurry, Izuku?" A voice purred in his ear. He turned his head to look into the oddly glassy gaze of Katsuki. The taller male was smirking at him devilishly, which was definitely not like him in the slightest. The thing that made Midoriya the most uneasy, though, was his bully/crush calling him by his formal first name. Not like Bakugou at all.
Midoriya just stared at him, eyes wide in shock at their situation until he felt little nibbles on his exposed neck. This was not Bakugou. Something had changed when Bakugou had gone out with his friends that was causing this, but Midoriya was unaware as his face turned from normal to bright red.
"K-Kacchan? What are you doiNG!?" He yelped as he felt someone biting onto his neck, muffling a quiet moan at the feeling. The not-so-Bakugou sucked at the spot until there was a mark then moved down, nibbling and kissing as Midoriya had started to struggle.
"Kacchan! Let me go! This isn't you!" He squeaked desperately, managing to kick Bakugou in the knee and getting him to free Midoriya. The kick must've knocked something though, as the odd look Bakugou had was replaced by a confused scowl as he looked around. The glassiness was gone from his eyes as they landed on Midoriya.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house, Deku?" Bakugou growled at a red-faced, sweating and panting shorter boy.
"Y-You told me to come over because you lost your prescription slip, so I-I did!" Midoriya tried hiding the hickey on his neck out of embarrassment. Bakugou saw it and snorted.
"Who the hell did that to you? I pity them, having to deal with you. How slutty."
Hurt flashed into Midoriya's gaze as it fell, his blush fading. "You did... just then..." he murmured, hugging himself tightly.
Bakugou was taken off guard by this, but waved it off quickly. "Gross, get back home you nerd." He then turned and stomped off, hiding his bright red place. Then it all came back. There had been a person with the quirk 'cupid' they'd shot Bakugou with an arrow on his way home and the first thing he'd seen had been Midoriya's name as he'd been looking down at his contacts. That's when he'd texted Midoriya, 'love-struck', and raced to get back home in time. His face heated up even more once he'd realised what he'd done. When he turned to try and explain himself, Midoriya was already gone.

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