Chapter 9

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Midoriya ran through the streets, his backpack whacking against his back as he followed a crowd making quite a lot of commotion. Curiosity killed the Deku, in this case.
Pushing his way through the loud crowd, Midoriya asked a few people what was going on to make such a ruckus. Everyone pointed to the view ahead and... oh God...
It was him again.
The sludge monster, seemingly fighting itself with flames and destruction following its wake. It was down an alleyway, so the only entrance had been blocked off and guarded by a shit ton of officers. There were heroes on the job, punching and kicking at the villain but only being able to do as much as Midoriya could do. Not much. The villain whacked against the alleyway wall and Midoriya could finally see what it was fighting. He really wished he hadn't.
His eyes widened as he stares at the sludge monster who had taken on a new victim, struggling while being suffocated. Angry swears and explosions were set of at random due to the captured boy trying to escape. It was a boy Midoriya knew so well.
Before he could think of how suicidal his plan was, his legs were already yanking him forward, screaming:
The hostage opened his wild eyes at his name and saw none other than Midoriya. Quirkless little Midoriya, running straight at the villain with his backpack swinging around his head. Once he'd gotten close enough, he let go of the pack and threw it at the villain, occupying him momentarily. This gave Midoriya enough time to run to Bakugou's aid and start to desperately attempt to claw away at the sludgy mess.
Yells of 'KID!' And 'YOU BOY!' Yelled after Midoriya as he lunged into the battle, trying to scrape away as much muddy substance as he could. He gave the trapped Bakugou room to breath and the captured let out a gasp, inhaling the air quickly.
"Deku?? You're going to get yourself kill-" He couldn't speak as the mud was back, forcing down his throat. The villain had finally gotten bored of the backpack and had turned to Midoriya, desperately trying to free Bakugou.
"D-eku! R-u-n!" Bakugou managed out through the choking mud. Midoriya shook his head viciously, train at the sludge as much as humanly possible.
"I'M NOT GOING TO STAND HERE AND LET YOU DIE, YOU HEAR ME!?" The green-haired boy yelled in between tears and scoops.
Everything seemed hopeless.
The sludge kept reforming everytime Midoriya scooped it away, Bakugou was starting to grow tired of struggling and the pro heroes were getting nowhere.
Then, out of nowhere, there was an almighty crack and All Might, in all his muscular glory, stood in the alleyway, facing the villain head-on.

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