Chapter 42

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"Setting the scene, it was when me and Maemi were walking home from school. Maemi goes to a different school to UA, so I had to go to her. We were minding our own business when Endeavour approached us."
Bakugou tensed up at the no. 2 hero's name, his teeth gritting. He allowed Hitoshi to continue though.
"He told us he needed a favour, knowing from the school my quirk. He said he needed me to brainwash his son into doing whatever he told him to do, anything asked, but only by Endeavour. I wasn't told what his plan was, so at first I said no, but... he found out my family was having financial troubles so he offered money. Lots of money, money that would help us. So I agreed. I was told to brainwash him every time it wore off and he needed to meet his father, so I did. That's why he's been seeming so different lately." He rubbed the back of his neck, staring at Izuku apologetically.
Bakugou opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off. He was getting mildly annoyed at how much that seemed to happen. "I've only learnt recently what the plan is. It was obvious to Endeavour and Todoroki that All Might was training you for something, so Endeavour wanted to get rid of you. At first he wanted Todoroki to break you mentally, then when Katsuki stepped in he decided physically would have to do. If you were out of the picture, Endeavour could train Todoroki more furiously to make him no. 1." Hitoshi looked over at Bakugou, "He wanted you out the way too and was going to elaborate on the fact that Midoriya would be gone. I don't know what his plan was though."
Both boys just stared at him, shocked into silence until Todoroki's voice sounded from behind them again.
"I helped my father?" His words were rather weak, but he forced himself to sit up. "I'm sorry, Midoriya. You too, Bakugou.. I... I didn't want to do anything he told me. I couldn't recall anything whenever it wore off though."
That's when Hitoshi spoke again, not allowing Izuku or Katsuki to add their input. "That's because this time I stopped brainwashing you on my own, not from the time limit. Todoroki, I'm sorry about brainwashing you and.. making you hurt your friends. I will tell your father I am no longer in his service and I promise you this won't happen again." He walked past the two males and held out his hand for Todoroki, who took it gratefully and leaned against him for support.
"Wait, wait, wait." Midoriya finally spoke, holding his up like he was surrendering. "So this wasn't Todoroki at all? He wasn't thinking?" Hitoshi shook his head, not saying another word as he helped a practically passed out boy home. Maemi apologised for the whole thing, quickly running after them.

Neither had exchanged any words on the walk home. Neither knew what to say. Izuku looked up at his nickname, his hand slinking into Bakugou's.
"Why do you have to be so goddam adorable?" He grumbled, his cheeks dusting a little. He shook his head and pulled the shorter male into a tight hug. "Please don't attract anymore of this unwanted attention. Even round-faced bitch was in on it. She told me why, but since I'm tired and getting grumpy, I'm gonna make you wait for her to tell you why."
"You're so annoying, KaccHAN-" Midoriya's voice rose as he felt strong arms wrap around his waist. He relaxed as he just saw Bakugou.
"I'm glad you're OK, stupid Deku." He looked away as he spoke, his face heating in embarrassment. After a moment if hugging like that, Midoriya wanted a piggyback. Katsuki non-reluctantly picked him up, holding his thighs so he wouldn't fall back.
"I love you."
"... love you too, Deku."

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