Chapter 4

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Back at his home, Midoriya was lain on his bed with a bright red and blushing face. He held his face in his hands, trying to rub said blush away, but to no avail.
'He kisses me first, then gives me a hickey??' He thought, confused and flustered at the same time. It was so much so, that he pulled his knees to his chest and squeaked happily. Perhaps his crush wasn't such an odd choice after all? Maybe Bakugou liked him back? All the thought whirled around Midoriya's mind, making him squeak again. In the mean time, though, he'd need to find out a way to hide the lovebite. A hoodie? No, his school had a set uniform. A scarf? That would be too obvious.
He finally decided on flicking his collar up and tighting his tie for the next day.


Midoriya was seated in lesson, taking notes as usual. He was lost in his thoughts as the teacher called his name over and over again, finally raising his voice loud enough to break through.
He looked up so suddenly that his chair wobbled and he fell back. The entire class burst into laughter, making Midoriya blush from embarrassment. Dangit. He was doing so well.
"Once you get back into your seat, please answer my question, Midoriya." The teacher glared at him, unamused by his fall. Midoriya nodded, quickly standing up and pulling his chair into the feet. As he sat back down, he stared at the whiteboard blankly. He hadn't been paying attention to anything.
"U-Um... could you repeat the question... s-sir?" He stuttered, earning a snicker from Bakugou.
"Useless nerd.." He heard the taller mock under his breath, making his expression fall a little.
"If you insist, what are the two types of parentheses used in the text?"
Midoriya's mind went blank. He had no idea what was going on in the lesson as he hadn't been listening. He started to panic, the other sounds being blocked out. His hands started sweating and his breathing quickened as he was now fully aware of the entire classes eyes on him. Some were giving him odd looks, others scared and others confused.
"Deku?" Midoriya looked over at Bakugou, who was staring at him like the rest of the class. "Sir! He's having a panic attack!" He called.
The thought of having another attack made him panic more, his gaze narrowing so that only Bakugou was in his field of vision, telling him to concentrate. He was trying to!
"Take him outside, Bakugou. You seem to know what's going on." The teacher's voice was barely audible and it took a rough tug from the ash blonde male to get Midoriya to stand. His legs were wobbly and his steps were uneven, meaning Bakugou practically had to drag him into the corridor and towards the boy's bathroom.
As the two had grown up together, naturally Bakugou had seen this before. This was only mild. It's not like Bakugou cared or was worried, he just wanted an excuse to be out of lesson. He leaned against the wall as Midoriya sat against it, rocking back and forth and holding his knees close to his chest. He took a few deep breaths of air, exhaling slowly. Once he seemed stable, Bakugou crouched beside him, the same uncaring and bored expression on his face.
"OK shitty nerd, what triggered it this time? Was it that stupid English question? The answer was comma and bracket by the way. You know this crap." Bakugou seemed annoyed, making Midoriya tremble.
"Y-Yeah it was the.. question. B-But I've been stressing a-a lot m-more recently and th-that p-probably contrib-buted-" He was shut up by a hand squishing his cheeks together.
"Stupid Deku, stop stuttering. If you can't speak you can't speak. Don't force it." Bakugou stood up, his hands in his black uniform pocket. "What are you stressing about? If you can manage it out without becoming a stuttering fucking mess again."
Midoriya stood up, leaning against the wall for support. He took a few more breaths, not being able to help stuttering a little. "Y-You won't hurt me when I tell you, right?"
Bakugou tilted his head, yet shook it. "I know how unstable you can get like this, loser. So no, not this time. I don't need you blubbering at my feet like some two-year-old."
Midoriya closed his eyes so he wouldn't see Bakugou's reaction as he told him what was stressing him the most.

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