Chapter 10

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It all happened so fast after that.
Midoriya stood to the side and watched in awe as All Might saved Bakugou and terminated the villain. Still smiling. It was an amazing sight. The aftermath though, was Midoriya getting chewed out by the other heroes for being so reckless and jumping into the fray, however heroic it was.
Bakugou was checked over, even at his swears and growls of being fine. As soon as he could get away, he followed Midoriya down the road.
"Deku!" He called, making the other stop and turn around.
"Hey Kacchan, are you o-mmf!" Midoriya was cut off by lips pressing against his. Bakugou towered over him, gently holding his face up by his chin as he kissed him. He could always tell when Midoriya liked something, so he had taken into some studying of his own. When he'd been pushed into Midoriya, he'd noticed how the other had enjoyed it.
When he finally broke away, he realised he'd pushed Midoriya against a wall and let him go. "Think of it as a thank you, shitty nerd." He growled, backing up and starting to walk off, "I don't owe you anything!"
Once Bakugou was out of sight, Midoriya quickly covered his mouth, a bright pink blush on his face. He squealed happily, carrying on his walk home.
All Might came bursting round the corner, scaring Midoriya and making him scream. All Might laughed heartily, patting Midoriya's shoulder in a good-natured way.
"A-All Might? What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to praise you! Praise you for your-"
Blood was coughed up, making Midoriya scream again and back up. Wisps of steam escaped from All Might, shrouding Midoriya's vision. There was an audible popping sound and the mist cleared to reveal...
"Who are you? Wait, don't tell me, All Might!?" In the place of All Might there stood a shorter, skinnier man with a long face and blonde, scraggy hair. He held up his hands in a surrender.
"Yep. Usually, I wouldn't show my true form in front of ordinary citizens, buy today you are the exception!"
And then went on the conversation that had happened on the roof, minus the question Midoriya asked. All Might explained the quirk 'One For All' to a wide-eyed Midoriya, everything from how it's been passed down to what actually happens.
"Why are you telling me all of this?"
"Because I believe you should be the next bearer. Of course, it's completely optional and you'd have to work hard to get your body in shape, but I'm sure-"
"I'll do it!"
Midoriya's face lit up. Was this real? Was he going to get a quirk? A proper quirk? Not only a quirk, but a quirk from All Might? It sounded too good to be true!
"Oh thank God. It would be pretty awkward if you said no-" All Might coughed, then stood tall, staring down at Midoriya. "Young Midoriya, if you can train to mould the right body shape for this power then you can become a hero!"
Midoriya dropped to his knees, starting to cry. He couldn't help it, but they weren't tears is sadness. He kept repeating, "Thank you! I'll train! I'll make you proud!" Over and over again. All Might smiled at him, taking in how weak the green-haired boy looked.
'I had the opportunity to choose that young Bakugou boy. I could've chosen anyone. But I can still make a hero out of this child, however weak he looks. He has the spirit of a hero and sometimes that's all that there needs to be.'

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