Im sorry.

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I am the worst, I'm so sorry about not continuing this. For a while I haven't been motivated to write... literally anything, let alone continue the fanfics on here that I don't even like. All of the characters are off and not at all like how they usually are and I get that's how I made them in the sense that this is an AU but honestly? I never even stuck to the personalities I gave them. I hated these fanfics as I was writing them, which is never good for writing.

'I'm Here' had no story plan whatsoever other than 'Baku and Deku get together' and I was quote obviously pulling shit oitof nowhere the more I went on. At least I actually finished that one.. somewhat.

'Turn The Lights Out' was a single idea I had that has been long forgotten. It had no preparation and no second thought, relying heavily on a character I'd made up very suddenly on the spot. It's bad and it's no wonder I never got past many chapters.

'Remember Me' I'd had a solid story for, it just wants planned out very well and I tend to ramble while I write, giving into sub-plots that are literally just filler and have no reason to exist. I liked the idea of a villain!Deku but I never got round to finishing it because of how many plot holes I left and opened at the same time. It was all very overwhelming, though one day I may rewrite it.

'Devil's Dare' same thing as Remember Me, I'd had an idea I'd liked and went off on a whim with it. I actually liked the story, but realised how out-of-character I'd made everyone by the end and couldn't bring myself to continue after that.

'Why Do They Hate Me' Plotless, dumb, stupid. I forgot about it as soon as I'd started it and I never really cared for it in the first place, which isn't healthy if you're the author.

'Masks', I'd actually planned this one for once. I write it all down, had a separate draft for it and everything. I guess when I somewhat abandoned this account I abandoned that storyline too, even if it was the only somewhat original one I'd written.

So there it is, in black and white. I finished 1/6 stories I'd started and let a lot of people down. Everyone I read old messages of people saying they love my work I feel happy, but it's bittersweet as I remember I just abandoned them all with no words of goodbye to you. You all deserved at least some sort of explanation as to where I'd gone after all of you made me feel so... confident? Happy? Seriously. When I saw all the feedback from 'I'm Here' I was smiling for days on end. While I was in, what it like to call it, my 'writing high' I felt like the luckiest person alive because my audience was so sweet and everyone was saying such kind things.
So, thank you all so so so much for all the support you'd given me. Every last one of you who'd read what I'd written deserves the world, I'm just sorry I was never motivated to finish what I started.

However, I want to try and get back into the groove of writing again. I've always loved writing and it's a good pass-time, so I've decided to try over. Fresh slate.
triptosaturn is my 'new account' where I'll be trying to write more original stories. It's perfectly understandable if no one wants to check it out seeing as this account was basically dedicated to fandom fanfics, but I thought you'd ought to know.

Again, thank you all so much for all the support you've given me over the last year, it makes me very happy thinking of all of your kind words. I most likely won't be on this account ever again, so if you'd like to contact me, please do so on my new account.
-Bee ♡

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