Chapter 13

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Midoriya had fallen asleep, cuddled against Bakugou. He hadn't dozed off like that, but as he shuffled closer, Bakugou hadn't pushed him off. He wrapped one arm around Midoriya and looked away, the usual scowl on his face. Eventually though, he too fell asleep, his head resting on Midoriya's messy hair. He nuzzled him softly because of how surprisingly soft Midoriya's hair was.
Inko returned home to see the two boys curled up asleep. She had merely smiled and gone to her room, shaking her head a little and laughing to herself.

The next day came and Bakugou had been the first one to wake up and blushed softly as he saw Midoriya, peacefully sleeping against him. He didn't want to, as the sleeping position was comfortable, but he had to gently shake the green-haired boy awake.
"Hey? Deku? We have school, get up."
These words jolted Midoriya awake. He squeaked and fell off the sofa, making Bakugou raise his arms in an almost-surrender. He smirked at Midoriya and stood up, dusting himself down. "C'mon nerd, you don't want to be late, do you?" Bakugou was practically ready, he just needed to grab his backpack on the way down to school. Midoriya blushed, starting to go around the house and collect his things frantically. Bakugou leant against a wall, watching him as he went.
'Cute. A bit.' Bakugou thought, then blushed at his own thoughts. Luckily, Midoriya was too busy getting his stuff to see Bakugou's bright red cheeks. Once the both of them were ready, they left the house and quickly ran to Bakugou's to collect the other's backpack. Once that was gotten, Bakugou looked at his watch.
"Shit. We're going to be late." He looked back at Midoriya and had an idea, "Actually..." he picked Midoriya up, earning a protesting squeak before he realised what Bakugou ws doing and obliged. Bakugou moved Midoriya to his back and started running, holding his thighs as a piggyback. Midoriya had his arms wrapped around Bakugou's neck and the taller's bag slumped over his back as he ran along. Neither had spoken about falling asleep together because they were both embarrassed about secretly enjoying it. Bakugou was trying to deny it though.
Finally they made it to school, just in time. So no one suspected anything, Bakugou dropped Midoriya off outside and took his bag back, smiling slightly at him. "I didn't realise you were so light, Deku." He chuckled, walking into school with Midoriya by his side. The two talked all the way to lesson, in which they were fashionably late. When Bakugou walked through, no one said anything. When Midoriya walked through, a few people snickered. Midoriya looked down, averting his gaze from everyone as he took his seat. He heard whispering from beside him and sighed until he heard some scooting around. Suddenly, Bakugou was seated at the desk beside him. He had swapped with one of his friends, saying he do it "to annoy Deku or something."
Honestly, it was to stop others bugging him.
That didn't do much though, as on Midoriya's desk there lay a large piece of paper. He turned it over and the happiness drained from his face. Written in bold words in the middle was the word 'GAY' with more homophobic slurs surrounding it. Midoriya read them all.
They ranged from 'faggot' to 'kill yourself'.
Midoriya read them all.
Bakugou could see the green's hands trembling and his breathing starting to speed up.
Midoriya read them all.
He couldn't take it, shaking as he broke into tears. Bakugou was immediately at his side, picking him up and carrying him out of the room again to help him get stabalised.

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