Chapter 36

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The rest of the day dragged on, the scores posted were the only things anyone could talk about. The end of the day came and Bakugou headed to the bathroom, telling Midoriya to 'wait by the door' and 'he'd be out in a tick'. So there the short boy stood, holding the straps of his backpack as he waited for his Kacchan patiently like a dog. He stood there calmly until there was a hot breath against his ear.
The word was quiet, yet the impact it had was momentous and triggered a chain of emotions to run through Izuku at once. First, he was confused at why the mystery person was saying it so close to him until he realised he was being dragged away. That caused him to panic and his energy to charge up, activating his quirk and making him mentally implode, which drained hin and made him feel dizzy. He could feel his conciousness slipping away, just as he saw Bakugou walk out of the school doors and look for him, obviously confused. The two made eye contact for a split second before Midoriya's head dropped forward and darkness overwhelmed him.

The person who had caught him must've seen Bakugou too, as they swore under their breath and started to run. They could hear the blonde yelling at them and we're quite sure he was in hot pursuit. Bangs and sparks out of the corner of their eye determined this and also told them the other had used his quirk.
Well, shit.
"Hey! Stop! Give Deku back!" The angry teen was chasing him down, firing up the explosions in his hands. The figure didn't stop or slow down as told to do so, though Bakugou could still catch up relatively easy as he was so fast. His red eyes blazed with rage, an expression he didn't usually wear as it tended to scare people. Especially children, Bakugou had noticed.
They passed into the woodland area beside U.A., running as fast as their legs would take them. The figure was trying to outrun the taller, who was just moving himself forward with his quirk so that he wouldn't tire his legs too much.
Bakugou used a burst of energy and shot himself forward until he was right beside the mystery figure, glaring at them and barrelling into them so that they toppled over and dropped Midoriya. Bakugou was practically sitting on them, his hand was sweating and was exceptionally close to their face, as if he was threatening to blow their head up. Actually, that's exactly what he was doing.
"Todoroki, I didn't think you'd kidnap Deku. What an idiot, you should've known I'd protect him."
The figure had their hood up still and was silent until there was a very faint voice.
"Speak up! Tell me why you tried to take him!"
The person was dazed and tired, seemingly. Bakugou was having none of it though and he made his hand spark a little.
"Are you in love with him? Because that's just sick. Kidnapping him, hm? What gave you the impression he'd want that?"
"R... r..."

(A little cliffhanger there oo! Some self-promotion here aha, if you like Klance then why don't you head on over and read 'Devil's Dare || Klance'? I just started writing it! Even if you don't like Voltron, I probably won't be able to keep to the character's personalities anyway aha)

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