Chapter 26

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Monday arrived and Bakugou was crouched on the floor beside his bedside-cabinet, picking up pieces on his alarm clock that he'd blown up. He threw them in the bin and made a mental note to buy himself a new one soon. The teen searched for his uniform, throwing it on quickly and leaving his tie behind like he always did. He rushed downstairs, his shoeless feet thumping against each step as his mother yelled at him to quieten down. He chose to ignore her and slid down the banister until he reached the floor, where he ran into the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster for a swift breakfast.
Once it had popped, he'd stuffed it in his mouth and sat on a chair to pull his shoes on. He finished his toast and put on his shoes before grabbing his backpack, rightening his hair slightly then running out the house without saying goodbye. He ran along the sidewalk, rubbing toast crumbs from his lips and grumbling about not brushing his teeth. He didn't have time though, as he was late as it was. Skidding round corners, UA was finally in his sights and he sped up to it.
Bakugou burst through the doors to class 1A, causing all heads to turn to him. Mr Aizawa glared at him, telling him to go to his seat before continuing what he was saying. Bakugou did so, leaning back on his chair to get a little closer to Midoriya sitting behind him.
"Hey, Deku." He murmured once Aizawa had his back turned. Midoriya's face instantly heated up and he stuttered a 'hello' back, smiling at him. He chuckled lightly at the other's reaction and held up a finger for a pause sign as he reached into his bag. He ruffled around for a moment before pulling out a brand new notebook and offering it to Midoriya.
"I noticed that other hero book you have is nearly full, so I got you this." He looked away as a little pink dusted his cheeks, smiling ever so slightly as Midoriya took the gift, squeaking happily. As Bakugou looked up, he saw Uraraka glaring at him suspiciously from across the classroom. He smirked triumphantly and stuck out his tongue, angering her and causing her to accidentally make her pencil float into the air. A few people snickered as she just muttered 'Release' to make it drop back down.


The end of the day was drawing nearer as Bakugou stared at the clock. The bell finally rang and all around the school chairs scuffed again the ground and feet shuffled down the halls. He stood up, dropping everything into his bag before slinging it over his shoulder. He turned around to talk to Midoriya, but saw he wasn't there. He frowned and walked out the classroom, trying to find him as he had an uneasy feeling in his gut.
"Todoroki! Please don't- mf-!" Bakugou looked up as he heard the voice, turning his head and walking down a corridor that was seemingly deserted. He rounded a corner and was met with Todoroki pinning Midoriya against the wall, forcing him into a kiss. Midoriya was trying to squirm away, clearly not enjoying it at all as he wasn't kissing back. Bakugou's eyes met his and all the taller blonde saw was a plea for help. That was all he needed. He ran forward, yelling curses as he punched Todoroki away from the smaller green-haired boy. He held Midoriya close to him protectively, glaring at the double-coloured boy with obvious hostility.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bakugou snarled, getting no response. His hand started sparking as he activated his quirk, but quickly stopped as he felt a soft hand hold his wrist back.
"Kacchan.. don't, it's not worth it. I'm fine... can we just leave please?" Asked Midoriya in a small voice that instantly melted Bakugou's heart.
"I guess.." he grumbled, tightening his grip on the smaller boy as he snapped at the silent Todoroki, "You lay one fucking finger on him again and you can bet your ass off I'll be killing you without hesitation." And with that, he picked Midoriya up on his back and stormed off.

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